Thursday, March 15, 2012

Seventeen Days to the Finish Line - Is the Impossible Possible?

I feel like my body is breaking down, betraying me. But my mind, my heart, and my soul are flourishing. I have been blessed with good health all my life. Unlike my siblings, I have all my original parts, and I’ve never had a heart attack or cancer. But when you decide at age 61 that you want to run a half-marathon in six months, never having been a runner, what can you expect? To fall? Yes. To have sore knees? Yes. To develop funky aches and pains? Yes. 

To give up a dream? No. 

I suppose I believe the impossible is possible. That I can run 13.1 miles after living a sedentary life. I might not be fast, I might have to walk a lot, but I can get to the finish line because 95% of running is mental. 

Do you believe the impossible is possible?

Kit MacKlenna, the heroine in THE RUBY BROOCH does. After falling off her horse as a ten-year-old and told she would never walk again, she believed the impossible was possible. Not only did she walk again, she ran, skipped, jumped, and danced. And that became her life’s mantra—the impossible is possible.

If ghost are possible (she’d had one follow her around the farm most of her life), if broken backs are mendable, then a letter from her late father telling her that he wasn’t her natural father and that she was actually born in the 19th century, would be only a blip on the radar of believability. 

Hold up a minute. Really?  Don’t you think that’s pushing this impossible-mantra-thing a bit far?

Yes, I confess that I do. And Kit finally has to admit that the word “impossible” might mean exactly that. Hey, hold up another minute. If she believes her father’s astonishing disclosure is impossible, where’s the story?

Ah, ha! Spoiler alert! 

Kit’s ego jumps in to save the day, or rather the story that otherwise would end on page 24 instead of 436.

Her stallions' value comes from the fact that she can trace their lines back over three hundred years to three foundational stallions. She'd been raised as a MacKlenna, the ninth generation, a line that dates back to the 1700s. If she isn't a MacKlenna, then who in the world is she? Who sired her?

With the same passion that once enabled her to walk again, she has to find her lineage, her value.

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud
was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. 

~Anais Nin

Happy writing and running, Kathy

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