Monday, March 5, 2012

Twenty-Seven Days to the Finish Line - Taking a Break

Have you ever had a goal in sight then suddenly fear it will be snatched away before you reach it? As I look at my swollen ankle this morning, I realize I won’t be able to meet my schedule this week that calls for 27 training miles. If I can’t train, what will that do to all the effort I’ve put in to increase my endurance, to prepare for the race? Will I relapse or will I come back stronger, well-rested. I believe I’ll be stronger. 

What I’ve discovered as relates to writing, is that coming back from a rest break (5 months) has brought more balance to my life, has made my writing stronger, and has given me a new focus and understanding of my characters. I’m seeing them as real people not just creations of my mind to play with and torture. I understand their hurts and pains, their idiosyncrasies, their frustrations and fears, and their need to be loved and to love. I credit much of this to passing through a season of rejection—painful yet necessary.  

Sometimes taking a break is the best thing you can do in order to move forward and sometimes it’s forced upon you. For whatever reason, use the time to stretch your mind and body. Use it to step outside your circle of familiarity and try something new and different. You’ll be surprised at how much stronger you’ll be when break time is over.

Happy writing and running, Kathy

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