As I reviewed my training schedule for the week, I noticed the condition
of the two sheets of paper, crinkled and marked with notes. I shook my head,
amazed that I had survived sixteen weeks of training. The notes that peppered
the schedule said things like: sick, fell, injured, recovering, KYRW
workshop, stomach cramps, allergies.
In total, I missed eight training days, but I never thought of
quitting, not even when my toes were freezing during runs in January. Why
didn’t I quit the insanity? Why was I running 6, 7, 8 miles in 20 degree
temperatures when I couldn’t see through fogged up glasses? Why didn’t I quit?
Because quitting simply wasn’t an option. Crossing the finish line
was my goal—my dream. Without training, without putting in the work, without
sacrifice, I’d never achieve what I set out to do.

Fortunately for Kit, she found buddies to travel with that made
the journey easier. Fortunately for me, I found buddies that have made my
journey easier, too. Without them, neither one of us would have gotten where we
were going.
The following is an excerpt from THE RUBY BROOCH. Kit and the
wagon train are leaving Independence, Missouri for the six-month trip to
Oregon. In this scene, she and Cullen, the hero, meet at the top of a bluff overlooking the
departing wagons.
Dreams. We all have them. We all chase them. How often do we achieve them?
NOT FAR FROM town, Kit found a bluff overlooking the trail. A
breeze rustled the underbrush along the switchback she followed to the top. A
twig snapped. A tree fluttered its budding branches. A bird sang. Nature’s
quiet symphony.
Turn down
the volume on the silence.
If that wasn’t a song, it should be. At least it wasn’t the eerie
silence she’d heard the night Scott died in her arms. No other sound in all of
creation compared to the last whisper of breath. A shiver rolled up the length
of her body. She shifted in the saddle. If she fell into an emotional quagmire
on her first full day living in 1852, she might as well quit and go home
because she’d be of no use to anyone.
She stiffened her spine and focused on the scene unfolding below her.
The wagons' white bonnets shimmered in the morning sun, and the wind, blowing across the long grass, created an illusion of schooners sailing over the ocean. The view made her drawing fingers itch. She grabbed her pencils and journal from the saddlebag and within
moments became lost in her work.
“If a man’s dream could be painted, you’re looking at a masterpiece.”
Adrenalin exploded in her body. The journal and pencils flew from
her hands. She jerked around to find Cullen reining his horse alongside her.
“Damn, you scared me.”
His expression changed from surprise to smoky in a single
heartbeat. “You shouldn’t be up here by yourself.” He dismounted, slow and easy.
“It’s not safe.” He picked up the journal and pencils and glanced quickly at
the drawing before handing her the notebook.
“I appreciate your concern, but—”
“—You can take care of yourself.”
“Exactly.” He pulled a cheroot from his pocket and put a match to the cigar. “Out here we need each other. Where we’re going, we’ll need each other more.”
A flock of honking geese, flying in V formation, pulled their gazes toward the sky.
Cullen puffed, and wisps of smoke formed a halo around his head. “There’re lessons to learn from geese.”
“What? Fly high enough not to get shot?”
The corner of his lip twitched. “That’s one.”
They remained silent for a moment or two, then he said, “The flock works as a team. If a bird falls out of formation, he soon realizes he can’t fly by himself and gets back in line. If one gets sick and drops from the flock, two others fly with him to the ground and wait until he gets better or dies.”
She cocked her head, giving him a sideways glance. “Is that true?”
“The birds share a common goal, Mrs. MacKlenna, a common
direction. And they’ll get where they’re going quicker than one bird could get
there on its own.”
“I sense you’re not just talking about birds.”
He returned her gaze. The look in his dark blue eyes grew intense. Her heart beat faster than normal. The pencil in her shaking hand tapped
lightly on the page. “What’d you say about dreams? If a man’s dreams could be
painted . . .”
“You’re looking at a masterpiece.”
She wrote the word dream, then drew a faceless woman. “All
those folks on the wagon train are filled with dreams, aren’t they?”
“Just like you and me.”
“I wonder how many will give up on theirs.”
He took a long, slow pull and blew out the smoke. “We’ve got close
to a hundred strong-willed folks traveling with us. If they stay healthy, most
will make it to Oregon. But some of their dreams will be shattered along the
way.” He rolled the cigar between his fingers. “Don’t let one of them be
Happy writing and running, and may you achieve all your dreams, Kathy
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