Here are three fantastic sites for authors you might want to check out. If you're already a member, let us know about your experiences.
The Megaphone Society “is a
community of writers and authors who mutually support, critique and encourage
one another. We are writers of all genres, levels of experience, authors who
self–publish and those who go the traditional route.”

Authors Social Media
Support Group (ASMSG) “was founded by
R. Grey Hoover to provide like-minded authors a network of diverse Social Media
platforms from which to gain greater reach than each could accomplish alone.
We currently have nearly 300 authors affiliated with ASMSG, with a vast
aggregate following on many platforms. We support each other’s event
promotions, share experiences and triumphs, and learn from each other’s various
experiences and knowledge. Membership in ASMSG is by the invitation of
the founder. If you are interested in what we do, or if you have a
question regarding an area of this site or our involvement in Social Media,
please feel free to let us know in the contact form below. You will also
find us on the great platforms we utilize as a group below. Thank you for
stopping by, and please browse the many books written by the authors of ASMSG.
You just might find something exciting.”
you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they
are again:
- Is Twitter Ruining Our Writing Skills?
- Create Your Own Graphic Social Media Profile With Vizify This sounds very interesting. Might give it a try.
- Three Key Points for Bringing a Setting to Life RT @janice_hardy
- Tweet the Love: The Best Romance Authors on Twitter
- If you're looking for an agent, read this post by Sarah PaPolla "Shady Business' - questions to ask agents & publishers
- Self-Discipline for the Distracted Writer: @JulieEshbaugh RT @elizabethscraig Unplugging the internet is a good idea!
- Discover Your Hidden Book Do you have knowledge gained through work or a hobby to turn into a book? RT @elizabethscraig
- Tips for Pacing Your Novel: @FictionNotes RT @elizabethscraig
- Getting the Silent Treatment - Author Marketing Experts, Inc. | Author Marketing Experts, Inc. RT @Bookgal
- 19 Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts You Might Find Helpful
- Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn: The Pros And Cons Of Social Media In Education [INFOGRAPHIC]
- 5 Examples of the Need for Multiple Hyphenation via Daily Writing Tips
- Are you an #AUTHOR or a #WRITER? There is a big difference, as this excellent article explains RT @CliveEaton
- Structuring Your Story’s Scenes, Pt. 4: Options for Conflict in a Scene @KMWeiland
- 5 Reasons How Twitter Helps With Engagement
- Do sites like Pinterest & Twitter drive book purchases? @laurahazardowen @inkyelbows RT @bookgal
- Characters Who Surprise Us @Elizabethscraig
always looking for great content to share. If you have a writing and/or
marketing blog, or have a favorite that you visit often, please leave a link in
the comment section. Thanks for stopping by.
writing & running, Kathy
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