Sunday, January 6, 2013

Writing & Marketing Tweets from January 5, 2013

I read a post this morning by Jane Friedman The Secret to Finding the Time to Write, Market, Promote, and Still Have a Life. I found the article thought-provoking.  Jane listed five strategies. Number 1 was “Decide what you’ll stop doing—and I’m not talking about TV.” She says if “you don’t have the time to make progress (with your writing), you have to stop doing something. 

What is it that I can stop doing so I can continue to make progress? Give up Notes from Tabor Lane? Nah. According to another post I read this morning Authors – How To Promote Yourself, the author suggested that “blogging was the most important part of promotion. Blogs take a lot of time and effort, but the long term rewards are far, far greater than any other means available.” 

Blogging gives me an opportunity to tell my story, express my views, and show my personality, and the more I blog, the more I add to my Search Engine data. With that in mind, I’ll continue.  

How about giving up Twitter or Facebook or eating every two hours? (Have to fuel my runs/biking.) Nah.  

What I need to stop doing is . . .

And, here’s the secret to doing that . . .

Let’s call it Identifying the Moment. The moment is that point when it’s time to do what I don’t want to do. Instead of walking away (procrastinating), slap the dang thought in the face. POW! That’s the moment when my thought process has to change. If I can identify the moment and face it, then I can stop procrastinating.  

I’m not saying it’ll be easy, but it’s a start. So, how about you? Is there a moment you need to identify?

Show LessIf you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. 10 Ways to Build Long-Lasting Traffic to Your Author Website or Blog via @JaneFriedman
  2. 5 Phrases to Avoid Using in Your Twitter Handle via @Bookgal
  3. 7 Steps To Follow If Your Twitter Account is Suspended
  4. Visual Branding on Twitter Are you taking advantage of visual branding opportunities? 
  5. 10 Essential Apps To Enhance Your Mobile Twitter Experience
  6. Twitter New Year’s Resolution: Curate Your Twitter Lists
  7. 3 Ways to Supercharge Your Writing This Year Use them today and make a difference
  8. Notes from Tabor Lane: Writing & Marketing Tweets from January 4
  9. Social Media Marketing According to "It's a Wonderful Life" Engagement isn’t about volume. It’s doing what matters.
  10. The Theology of Screenwriting: Grace @GoIntoTheStory RT @elizabethscraig
  11. Free Sites to Promote Your eBook @GalleyCat RT @elizabethscraig
  12. 40 Ways to Develop and Protect Your Writing Brand "Fortunately, building your writer’s brand is easier than you think."
  13. 6 Tips for Beating the Blank Page The writer has to force himself to work. There is nobody to scold him.
  14. Makes Infographics Easy and Beautiful A way to give easily digestible pieces of data
I’m always looking for great content to share. If you have a writing and/or marketing blog, or have a favorite that you visit often, please leave a link in the comment section. Thanks for stopping by. 

Happy writing & running, Kathy


Three Hoodies Save the World said...

What a great post. Thanks for all your ideas. I'm onto it.

Unknown said...

Roger, thanks for stopping by. I'm glad you found the post helpful. Good luck!