Wednesday, May 1, 2013

18 Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By Rachel Scheller via Writer’s Digest

Using emotion to create strong, emotional characters and move a plot is critical for any writer in any type of genre. Knowing what kind of emotion to use and how to use it is a different matter, however. And while our fictional characters experience the same wide range of emotions that we do, frustration is often the over-arching element that drives a plot and creates motivation. 

In an excerpt from Write Great Fiction: Characters, Emotion & Viewpoint by Nancy Kress, the author shows different ways a character might act when frustrated in a certain situation. Using these examples, and the exercises below, you can create frustrated characters that advance your story at a steady pace while also drawing the reader into a realistic setting.


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again: 
  1. Creating Emotional Frustration in Your Characters: @WritersDigest RT @elizabethscraig
  2. Measure The Spread Of Your Tweets Over The World With “Where Does My Tweet Go?”
  3. Marketing Tips 4 Authors: What is 'Social Media Jail'? via @CliveEaton
  4. Killing Off a Character: @LJSellers RT @elizabethscraig
  5. Why Ask Why? Because Your Readers Will RT @janice_hardy
  6. No, E-book Sales Are Not Declining via @NathanBransford
  7. Critiques Make Your Writing Better, So Grin and Bear Them
  8. How to Write Romance Well via @Ava_Jae
  9. Notes From Tabor Lane: Today's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts
  10. Answers to Questions About Apostrophes via Daily Writing Tips
  11. How to fake discipline: four easy-ish tips via @MGranovsky
  12. 8 Ways To Channel The Power Of Your Unconscious Into Your Writing: @woodwardkaren RT @elizabethscraig
  13. Do You Know These Time Saving Blogging Tips - @ProBlogger
  14. Self-Published Titles Dominate Top of Ebook Best-Sellers List
  15. 8-Step Plan for Landing Book Promotion Endorsements
  16. Juicing Emotion via Kitlit
  17. From 101 Creative Writing Exercises: You’re the Expert via @melissadonovan
  18. How LinkedIn Groups can Explode your Blog Traffic - @problogger 

I’m always looking for great content to share. If you have a writing and/or marketing blog, or have a favorite that you visit often, please leave a link in the comment section. Thanks for stopping by.

Happy writing & running, Kathy

Check out these links to writing & marketing blog posts. Click to Tweet.

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