Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

I used to feel guilty about books I own but haven’t read. They’d sit in piles making me feel unworthy as a writer, and reader. And no matter how many books I’d read in a year, I’d always find myself buying more. I couldn’t win. It was a destructive cycle and it drove me mad.

One day I realized there was another way to frame my behavior. The goal should not be efficiency because efficiency makes you conservative. As a writer I need an ambitious curiosity, not a safe one. It’s good to take bets on books at the limits of my comfort zone. That willingness to buy books signals to myself there are new worlds other creators make, and for the price of a meal I can purchase the opportunity to discover them. I can’t penalize myself for trying. If I never read any of the books that might be a problem, but merely not reading some of them is entirely sensible.

Buying books also has these larger effects:


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again: 
  1. Why it's okay to buy books and not read them: http://t.co/iLXowYVBHS @berkun” @elizabethscraig
  2. How to Nail the Opening of Your Blog Post: http://t.co/bpugrYW737 via @copyblogger
  3. 10 Things to Remember About Sequels http://ow.ly/lqoB8 via @janice_hardy
  4. Book Marketing Tips For Fiction And Non-Fiction Authors http://ow.ly/lqoOp via @thecreativepenn
  5. How to Build a Stockpile of Good Writing Ideas http://ow.ly/lqoUi via The Bookbaby Blog
  6. Is Your Facebook Page Performing Above Or Below Average? [Infographic] http://ow.ly/lqp2W via SocialMouths
  7. The Book Marketing Snowball http://ow.ly/lqpcY via The Savvy Book Marketer
  8. A Must Have App For Writers: Index Card (5 out of 5 stars) http://ow.ly/lqpox via @woodwardkaren
  9. Notes From Tabor Lane: Today's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts http://ow.ly/lqu9L
  10. What Is a Subordinate Clause? http://ow.ly/lqCkI via Daily Writing Tips
  11. How Convenient--Plot Contrivance http://t.co/65StYiuHo1 @elizabethscraig RT @janice_hardy
  12. How the Premise Ties the Plot Together http://t.co/uxjTrSM6mX RT @janice_hardy
  13. How to Write Better: 7 Instant Fixes http://ow.ly/lrjHv via Write to Done
  14. What to Write in the “Bio” Section Of Your Query Letter http://ow.ly/lrjOe via Writer Unboxed
  15. Twitter Hacks: How To Prevent Being Punk’d In The Age of Social Media http://ow.ly/lrjZM Includes tips
  16. HOW TO: Avoid Facebook Scams http://ow.ly/lrknf
  17. One-Day Deals Making E-Books Brief Best Sellers http://ow.ly/lrkwq via @PassiveVoiceBlg
  18. How Do You Know Whether Your Blog is Working? Interview with George Gill http://ow.ly/lrkBf via @jfbookman                                                                                                                                      

I’m always looking for great content to share. If you have a writing and/or marketing blog, or have a favorite that you visit often, please leave a link in the comment section. Thanks for stopping by.

Happy writing & running, Kathy


Check out these links to writing & marketing blog posts. Click to Tweet.

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