Tuesday, November 19, 2013

30 Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

No one can buy a book they’ve never heard of.

So, how do readers hear about books? Everyone likes to say it’s word of mouth, but it’s not possible to tell a friend about a book until you’ve heard of it yourself.

That’s where publicity and marketing come in. What’s the difference between the two? Marketing is paid placement on blogs, radio, TV, newspapers, etc. These show up as ads, advertorials, promotions, blog tours, and more. With marketing, if you pay for it, it shows up. You hire a marketing company and they buy the space. The attention is guaranteed to be there.

To read the rest of the post, click here.


If you missed my writing and marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again: 
  1. Now Available: Report Two of Consumer Attitudes Toward E-Book Reading, Volume 4 http://ow.ly/qVud8
  2. Self-Publishing Has Become Main Stream | Marketing Christian Books http://ow.ly/qVuQP
  3. Author, Jody Hedlund: Author Marketing: Having Multiple Strategies http://ow.ly/qVv4b "The key is to think outside the box. Stay relevant."
  4. Are You a Marathoner, a Sprinter, or a Procrastinator About Work? | LinkedIn http://ow.ly/qVvXx
  5. 8 Tips to Stop Procrastinating. « The Happiness Project http://ow.ly/qVw2u
  6. The Illusion of Meaning: Clichéd Scenarios - Writer's Relief, Inc. http://ow.ly/qVx6B
  7. How to Draw People to Your Facebook Page Again and Again | Social Media Examiner http://ow.ly/qVxlu
  8. Holiday Crunch Time! How to Sell More Books Before Christmas. | Penny C. Sansevieri http://ow.ly/qVy7T
  9. Understanding Book Distribution (Part 1: Digital) | Book Marketing Strategies and Tips For Authors http://ow.ly/qVyIA
  10. The Other Side of the Story: Real Life Diagnostics: How POV and Narrative Distance Affects Telling http://ow.ly/qVzpp
  11. The Difference Between Marketing & Publicity by M.J. Rose & Randy Susan Meyers http://ow.ly/qVzYQ
  12. The Writers Alley: Don’t Leave Your Reader Behind: How to Tackle Internal Transitions (plus a giveaway!) http://ow.ly/qVAiv
  13. RT @elizabethscraig: Writing and the Balancing Act:http://t.co/52OYwhDYCy
  14. What You Should Know Before Publishing Your First Ebook http://ow.ly/qVAuK
  15. RT @Janice_Hardy: Wrestling with reader expectations and cliche http://t.co/dSM8JlMyFE @JulietteWade
  16. RT @WritersRelief: Ever worry about getting your masterpiece copyrighted? Check this out: http://t.co/cvDlruQuPB
  17. 2 Must-Dos to Make Your Book Marketing Infinitely Easier | Your Writer Platform http://ow.ly/qVB6D
  18. 5 Book Promotion Tactics That Really Work! | Molly Greene: Writer http://ow.ly/qVBpE
  19. Pricing for Launch: Book 1 in a New Series, Go High or Low? | Lindsay Buroker http://ow.ly/qVBJE
  20. 5 Reasons Why Blogging is Not Working for Your Business : @ProBlogger http://ow.ly/qVCh9
  21. The Many Uses of John http://ow.ly/qVDSZ Daily Writing Tips
  22. Five Things Every Literary Writer Can Learn From Commercial Fiction | grub street daily http://ow.ly/qVFE0
  23. What Does the Book Business Look Like on the Inside? | The Passive Voice | http://ow.ly/qVGqM
  24. The eBook Author's Corner: Ebook Marketing: Boxed Sets are Gaining Exposure and Sales http://ow.ly/qWaY0 @jimhbs
  25. How to Write a Character Who is Nothing Like You http://ow.ly/qWLmC
  26. 5 Threats To Your Security When Using Social Media - AllTwitter http://ow.ly/qWVUP
  27. Developing Characters—Getting Started | Mystery Writing is Murder http://ow.ly/qWXbW
  28. The Other Side of the Story: Real Life Diagnostics: How POV and Narrative Distance Affects Telling http://ow.ly/qWXlT
  29. The Heart of Great Stories—How to Create Clear, Interesting Character OBJECTIVES | Kristen Lamb's Blog http://ow.ly/qWXwA
  30. Julie Musil: Marketing Your Independently-Published Novel http://ow.ly/qWXIN

Happy writing & running, Kathy

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