Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Tanya Egan Gibson

Before sending their manuscripts out into the world, many writers choose to work with a freelance editor to make their writing tighter, more engaging and ultimately more salable.

Whether you’re preparing to submit to literary agents or you’ve decided to self-publish, you don’t just want your book to be good—you want to make it great.

To read the rest of the post, click here.

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again: 
  1. Anne R. Allen's Blog: How to Write Funny Novels...And Why You Shouldn't http://ow.ly/qGczr
  2. The Writers Alley: Making a Living as a Writer: Invaluable Tips from the MacGregor Literary Marketing Seminar http://ow.ly/qGeAf
  3. There’s a Song for Everything. Should You Use Its Lyrics in Your Book? - BLOG - Stories To Tell Books http://ow.ly/qGeQO
  4. Filter Out Annoying Words and Topics From Your Facebook News Feed http://ow.ly/qGeXF
  5. Four Ways to Reveal Your Character’s Personal Boogie Man | Ninie Hammon http://ow.ly/qGf1x
  6. Jennifer Represents...: On Diversity and Character Depth http://ow.ly/qGf5w
  7. Craft of Writing: Power Up Your Prose With Poetic Devices by Dorian Cirrone http://ow.ly/qGikR
  8. Sex Sells, Right? Maybe Not. | The Passive Voice | http://ow.ly/qGiq0
  9. Disillusioned with Facebook: Here’s a Way Forward : @ProBlogger http://ow.ly/qGit1
  10. How I Increased Facebook Reach and Engagement by 200-300% This Week : @ProBlogger http://ow.ly/qGivS
  11. 7 ways to cut a novel without losing anything important | Nail Your Novel http://ow.ly/qGj9d
  12. How to use Twitter as a new Author - A.M Croft - Author http://ow.ly/qGV6k
  13. 10 Things Your Freelance Editor Might Not Tell You—But Should | WritersDigest.com http://ow.ly/qH1nH
  14. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn – Social Media Design Guide [INFOGRAPHIC] - AllTwitter http://ow.ly/qIppZ
  15. How to Improve Your Facebook Marketing Using Facebook Insights | Social Media Examiner http://ow.ly/qIpvv
  16. A Veterans Day Goal - Preserve Your Veteran's Story - BLOG - Stories To Tell Books http://ow.ly/qIqOV
  17. My Adventures in Book Publishing, or, the Schlub I Was | The Debutante Ball http://ow.ly/qIrhO
  18. Linda Clare's Writer's Tips: When to Kill a Character http://ow.ly/qIrEY
  19. Split/Sun Critique Technique, Awkward Dialog http://ow.ly/qIrNF
  20. 5 Ways to Deal with People Who Hate What You Write | The Renegade Writer http://ow.ly/qIymy 

Happy writing & running, Kathy

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