Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

There are tricks of the trade to ensure the sale of your book via Amazon reviews. Here are our tips for making the most of these.

When someone reviews your book (Self-Publishing Review ranks high – profile here) make sure you click ” Yes” to “Was this review helpful to you?” Amazon ranks its reviewers by helpfulness, so boosting those who review your book will help your review get seen by more people.

Pick the Hall Of Fame reviewers who like your type of book and ask them to review it. You can do this by looking at reviews of books like yours, and seeing if the reviewer has badges. Badges are awarded to top 1000 reviewers and look like this:

To read the rest of the post, click here.


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again: 
  1. 30 Ways to Build the "Know, Like, and Trust" Factor that Grows an Audience - Copyblogger http://ow.ly/r9BQe
  2. Cord Cutters And The Death Of TV - Business Insider http://ow.ly/r9Ce0
  3. Why Carving Out 5 Hours Every Day For Difficult Work Can Lead To Greatness | Fast Company | business + innovation http://ow.ly/r9CpL
  4. Julie Musil: Our Protagonists Must Need... http://ow.ly/r9CCd
  5. Should Authors Ever Pay For Reviews? It Depends. http://ow.ly/r9CYm
  6. 31 Ways To Thank Your Customers - Heidi Cohen http://ow.ly/r9Dix
  7. Shelfari's Bots Are Running Amok - The Digital Reader http://ow.ly/r9DIF
  8. Smashwords Founder Mark Coker Shares Tips For Self-Published Writers - GalleyCat http://ow.ly/r9Emu
  9. How to support an author's book: 26 simple ideas to use now - Build Book Buzz http://ow.ly/r9Fa4
  10. Writer Unboxed » Pay Proper Attention to Your Bio http://ow.ly/r9TWn
  11. Are Book Machines the Right Fit for Indies? http://ow.ly/ra42t
  12. How To Sell Books With Amazon Reviews | Self-Publishing Review http://ow.ly/raMXI
  13. 72% Of SMBs Use Social Media For Marketing (With A Quarter On Twitter) [STUDY] - AllTwitter http://ow.ly/raZhN
  14. Writing Serial Fiction And Collaborative Writing With David Wright | The Creative Penn http://ow.ly/raZvV
  15. 5 Fundamentals That Determine How Fast Your Blog Grows : @ProBlogger http://ow.ly/raZAJ
  16. Marketers, Do You Really Know Your Customers? http://ow.ly/rb05M
  17. 50+ Ways to Tweet: 155 Ways to Tweet - What to Tweet, How to Tweet http://ow.ly/rb0v0
  18. The Effective Use of Flashbacks - Books & Such Literary Management : Books & Such Literary Management http://ow.ly/rbcuS

 Happy writing & running, Kathy

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