Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Jeff Bullas

Social media has been with us for over a decade now.

It hit the public consciousness when MySpace started to steal teenagers attention after it was launched in 2003. MySpace even surpassed Google as the most trafficked website in the USA in 2006. At its zenith it had 1,600 employees and was generating $800 million in revenue.
But nothing is forever.

In 2008 Facebook (which was founded in 2004) took the crown as the top social networking site as its unique visitor numbers exceeded MySpace for the first time.

Where is social media now?

In 2014 Facebook is still dominant with with over 1.15 billion users, Twitter has over 550 million registered users and Google+ has reached 359 million monthly active users.

Social media as a marketing tool for business really started to make its presence felt when Facebook created and launched its self service advertising feature in April 2011. Before that social media marketing was restricted to an organic process. Grow your followers on your social networks and drive traffic to your website or blog with calls to action and links.

Social media has promised much for business marketing because it was free and it had viral super powers. Businesses has seized upon this as it matured and in 2013 according to a CMO survey by Duke University is 6.6% of marketing budgets (about $4.6 billion in dollar terms) and is expected to climb to nearly 16% over the next 5 years.

Social media is being woven into the web and is a subset of the digital universe. To provide some perspective digital ad spend according to eMarketer, accounted for 25% of all media advertising budgets in 2013 with over $42 billion in spending.

So social media is still a small part of digital and marketing budgets. But in reality it has just started

The tipping point?

. . .

Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Creative Writing Tip: Make Sure Your Plot Has Action of a Type to Meet Genre Expectations |
  2. 5 Ways Authors Learn to Relate to Their Characters…. | Creative Writing with the Crimson League
  3. Twitter Real-Time Notifications: This Week in Social Media | Social Media Examiner
  4. Firm That Helps Authors Buy Their Way Onto Bestseller Lists Goes Into Stealth Mode | The Passive Voice |
  5. On Sherlocking | Drew Chial Excellent Post!  "Solve for X. There may be more than one solution."
  6. Anne R. Allen's Blog: How to Write Blog Content: 9 Tips to Entice Readers to Your Author Blog
  7. Eight Steps to an Agent, a Publisher, and a Two-Book Deal | WRITERS HELPING WRITERSWRITERS HELPING WRITERS
  8. 15 Ways To Improve KDP – Progress Report | David Gaughran
  9. 7 Suggestions for Crafting Sound Scenes | Sassy Romance by Maureen Fisher
  11. Bloggers: Do You Call Readers To Action? | Molly Greene: Writer
  12. The Many Meanings of Mean Daily Writing Tips
  13. Writing & Money: A Brief Syllabus | Jane Friedman
  14. Is this the Social Media Marketing Tipping Point? - Jeffbullas's Blog
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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