Saturday, May 10, 2014

Saturday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Larry Brooks, @storyfix

Three Things You Must “Get” Before You Really Get It

Writing a great story can be so easy to mess up. Take one thing for granted, miss one step or fail to nail one necessary dramatic essence, and the story will likely to be stillborn.

Sure, it looks easy enough when you sit down with the latest Baldacci or Rowling or Grisham – but when you sit down to turn your Big Idea into a crackling good novel, things don’t always turn out as planned.

Maybe there’s something about this writing thing you’re not getting.

It’s even worse when you have no idea it hasn’t turned out as well as you thought. Which means those rejection slips will confuse and anger you… “what do they know, anyhow?”

Answer: “they” know something you don’t. And it has zero to do with your narrative prose talent.

Some writers get it. Some take years, even decades, to get it. Some never do.

But it doesn’t need to be that way.

. . .

Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Writing A Publishable Novel: What “Finally Getting It” Really Means -  @Storyfix
  2. The Pomodoro Technique for getting work done: @joelrunyon RT @elizabethscraig:
  3. Fiction University: Guest Author Jen Blood: 5 Ways to Build Suspense Like a Master
  4. Avoiding Police Stereotypes in Novels | Elizabeth Spann Craig
  5. Can authors get smarter with Amazon keywords and categories? Start here! | Nail Your Novel
  6. Writers: 10 Ways To Stay Sane When You’re On A Deadline - Writer's Relief, Inc.
  7. Blog Comments: Should Your Blog Shut Down Comments? | Social Media Examiner
  8. Finding Readers Week: Mrs Woog’s Tips to Create Conversations on Your Blog : @ProBlogger
  9. Themes to Explore in Your Writing: Strength
  10. BookMarketingBuzzBlog: Prioritize & Customize Your Media Outreach
  11. Sex vs Sensuality: The Art of Layering Your Love Scenes | Writer's Library
  12. Themes to Explore in Your Writing: Strength
  13. Fiction University: Trad vs. Indie Publishing: A False Dichotomy
  14. Plot Whisperer for Writers and Readers: Keep Your Eye on the Prize
  15. Discover how Amazon changed book cover design and why authors need to pay attention | Lloyd Lofthouse
  16. Why Should Anyone Read Your Story?
  17. The Worst Advice You Can Give a Writer | Goins, Writer
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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