Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sunday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Molly Greene, Writer

Many of you don’t believe it’s true, that blogging can sell books and further your career. And you’re right, in the sense that blog posts should not be used as a direct-sale tactic for most authors. But I’m here to argue that a well-written, consistently updated blog can help novelists make sales.

How? Blogging makes your name, your voice, and your product recognizable, and builds a community that will help support your efforts. In addition, adding content on your blog delights Google, and when Google loves you, the search engine brings visitors to your site so they can see what you have for sale.

There is no doubt in my mind that blogging can be a value-added marketing strategy. True, you have to work at it, and it can take time to build traffic. But when readers start to find you – and they like what they see – you’ll make sales. Here’s what I think blogging can do for an author …

1. Blogging sells “you”

. . .

Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. 5 Easy Tricks To Attract Blog Post Attention [Research] - Heidi Cohen
  2. The Write Conversation : Writing Advice You Should ALWAYS Follow
  3. 12 Types of Blog Posts to Drive More Traffic to Your Blog | Social Media Examiner
  4. Writers On The Move: Apps to Help You Find New Tweeps
  5. Fiction University: Is Your Indie Book Violating Copyright Laws?
  6. Fiction University: Trad vs. Indie Publishing: A False Dichotomy
  7. Words Beginning With For- and Fore-
  8. 5 Ways Blogging Sells Books | Molly Greene: Writer
  9. The 15 Most Common WordPress Mistakes to Avoid - Jeffbullas's Blog
  10. Content - Six Types of Humor to Lighten Up Your Marketing and Start Conversations : MarketingProfs Article
  11. Writers On The Move: Is Thinking about Writing .... Well writing?
  12. 3 Important Questions To Ask About Posts in Your Blog Archives : @ProBlogger
  13. The Must Have List of Free Summer Content Titles - Heidi Cohen
  14. Facebook Tips: 31 Ways to Promote Your Facebook Page | Book Marketing Bestsellers
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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