Thursday, May 1, 2014

Thursday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Chris Robley

Survey says: print books are here to stay

According to a recent study called ”The Evolution of the Book Industry: Implications for U.S. Book Manufacturers and Printers,” almost 70% of book buyers say they are likely to continue purchasing printed books through 2016. Perhaps more shocking was the finding that 60% of all

eBooks that are downloaded in the United States are NEVER read.

Why the fierce loyalty to printed books? Oh, the usual reasons: a “sensory attachment” (as eContent calls it) to the physical item, the desire to place the book on a bookshelf, and the fact that you don’t have to strain your eyes staring at another electronic gadget.

Given the fact that eBook sales were flat in 2013, it seems these benefits are keeping the printed book safe from the extinction that digital publishing pundits have been predicting for years. But what does this mean for you?

3 ways to keep your book sales up as eBook sales slow down

. . .

Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
QueryTracker Blog: Choosing a Point of View Character
  1. All Character, No Plot
  2. Balancing the Business Side of Writing with Kathleen Collins | Romance University
  3. Publishing with a Small Press | LitChat
  4. Giving Fans a Good Series Finale | Julie Glover
  5. How to Start Your Novel | Writers In The Storm Blog
  6. A Tip for Avoiding Plot Holes | Elizabeth Spann Craig
  7. 3 ways to keep your book sales up as eBook sales slow down
  8. Karen Woodward: How Did Agatha Christie Hook Readers?
  9. Essential Facebook Marketing Resources: A Complete Guide | Social Media Examiner
  10. Which Email Marketing Strategy Should You Choose: Full Meal or Just the Aroma?
  11. In a Blog Slump? Here’s What to Do : @ProBlogger
  12. What’s the Perfect Job for Our Characters? | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
  13. A Writer's Journey: What Is The Right Length For a Chapter?
  14. 7 Things Your Fiction Fans Want to Hear You Say by Jason Kong — The Book Designer
  15. Trademark and the Author with Mindy Klasky | Romance University
  16. Twitter’s Stock Hit An All-Time Low Today – Here’s Why [STATS] - AllTwitter
  17. RT @FabulosityReads: So You Want To Make A Living Writing? 13 Harsh Truths. via @LeTeishaNewton
  18. RT @MaryBuckham: How to Learn Scrivener the Fast Way  via The Book Designer by @JFbookman
Happy writing and running, Kathy

Some days you just have to jump up and celebrate! 

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