Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tuesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Karen Woodward

Today I continue writing about science fiction and fantasy author Michael Moorcock and his guidelines for writing a 45,000 to 60,000 word novel in three days.

Last time (see: How Michael Moorcock Wrote A Novel In Three Days) I wrote about how to begin setting things up, how to prepare for this literary marathon. Today I'm going to continue that discussion by talking about characters.

How many characters should you have?

I've heard it said that, "You should have as many characters as the story calls for." That's true but not terribly useful, especially for a beginning writer.   
While there is no clear-cut answer to this question, I would advise someone setting out to write their first book to let the adage "Less is more" be their guide. In other words, as long as each character has an arc that ties in with the main character's goal, that's fine. But if a character doesn't advance the story then one needs to think long and hard about whether that character should be in the story.[1] 

Also, in general, you likely don't want two or more characters filling the same role. For instance, if you're writing a 60,000 word novel and you have two vixen characters, ask yourself whether you really need them. What is each of them doing for the plot? Can you combine them?

Main Characters: Protagonist & Antagonist

Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Anne R. Allen's Blog: Tweet THIS, Not That! 12 Things Not to do on Twitter http://ow.ly/wYTLk
  2. The Price of a BookBub Promotion - BookBub Unbound http://ow.ly/wYYMh
  3. Should Self-Publishing Authors Hire Editors, Producers and Cover Designers? Team Publishing vs. DIY | http://ow.ly/wYZjJ
  4. Writability: Why Tumblr is Useful for Bloggers http://ow.ly/wZ0W0
  5. Fiction University: Need Help With Your Novel? Planning Your Novel: Ideas and Stucture http://ow.ly/wZ0Yr
  6. Karen Woodward: Preparing To Write A Story: Characters http://ow.ly/wZYAf
  7. The First Digital Plateau | Dear Author http://ow.ly/wZZFK "...it appears that digital book adoption has reached a small plateau."
  8. Point of View: How Writers Can Master This Crucial Story Element http://ow.ly/x008B
  9. The Kill Zone: How to save a bundle on editing costs...without sacrificing quality http://ow.ly/x00jp
  10. The Write Conversation : Writing Advice You Should ALWAYS Follow http://ow.ly/x00ok
  11. Metadata in the Book World | Wise Ink's Blog for Indie Authors about Self-Publishing http://ow.ly/x00Bl
  12. Are You Looking for Google Plus Tricks? | Jimmie Lanley http://ow.ly/x027Z
  13. How to Use Breaking News to Buzz Your Book - Eight Strategies http://ow.ly/x02gI
  14. Getting Both Ends of Your Novel Right (Thank You, Mr. Chekhov!) | Word Café http://ow.ly/x02rJ
  15. The Writer's, uhhh, Friend http://ow.ly/x02GFI "The only writing session that’s ... a failure is the one you...abandon or don’t begin."
  16. 2014 Social Media Marketing Industry Report | http://ow.ly/x03n5 "...how your peers are using social media?"
  17. 10 Quick Tips for Entrepreneurial Bloggers : @ProBlogger http://ow.ly/x03M5
  18. The Illusions of Money, Power, and Fame | Goins, Writer http://ow.ly/x0iom
  19. Words That Begin with Q http://ow.ly/x0ite Daily Writing Tips
  20. 7 Reasons NOT to Name a Character http://ow.ly/x1I0J
  21. Silver Surfers: How The Older Generation Uses Social Media [INFOGRAPHIC] - AllTwitter http://ow.ly/x1I95
  22. How To Write a Book from Start to FINISH http://ow.ly/x1IdI
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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