Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Wednesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Sharla Rae, @SharlaWrites

If poets are to be believed, eyes are the windows to the soul.

Rather than using clichéd or common descriptions, why not use “explicit” eye descriptions to give your reader a real peek into a character’s psyche?

I’ll touch on eye color, movement, and appearance and, of course, I have some helpful lists to inspire ideas.

Eye color

It’s a given that writers mention eye color as a character feature. Color can be mentioned every so often to remind readers what the character looks like. But! Don’t hit them over the head with it.

Besides using eye color as a facial feature it can sometimes be used to identify who is speaking especially if the color distinctive.

Blue eyes widened and she threw up both hands. “Now hold on a minute.”


Her amber cat eyes narrowed. “xxxx”

A character might have plain old blue or brown eyes and that’s fine. But why not use color terms that say something about the character or what they’re thinking?

. . .

Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Developing Thematic Ideas in Your Fiction | Elizabeth Spann Craig
  2. Fiction University: Do or Do Not. There is No Try: Clarifying What Your Characters Do
  3. Anne R. Allen's Blog: The New Golden Age of Short Fiction: 12 Reasons to Write a Short Story This Month
  4. An easy way to make your plot plausible – control your novel’s timeline | Nail Your Novel
  5. Organization And Creativity: How To Free Up Brain Space And Be A Better Writer - Writer's Relief, Inc.
  6. You Don't Need a Tragic Flaw, Just the Wrong Woman | Indies Unlimited
  7. Common Mistakes Writers Make by Editor Claudette Cruz | Lindsay Buroker
  8. 10 Ways to Get More Twitter Followers - Jeffbullas's Blog
  9. Email Marketing - Four Email Marketing Tips to Help You Get the Most Out of Gmail : MarketingProfs Article
  10. How To Get Your Guest Post Published
  11. Optimize Blog Content for Social Media with These 4 Effective Tactics : @ProBlogger
  12. Best practices | Twitter for Business Create Tweets that resonate.
  13. The Best Length for Online Content The ideal length for everything on the Internet
  14. If You Don't Write That Book, Who Will? Deciding What to Write -
  15. The Write Conversation : Social Media Monday—How to use Hyperlinks Effectively on Your Blog
  16. Are You Sacrificing Future Trust for Sales Today? - Copyblogger
  17. 6 Tips to Improve Your Facebook Page | Social Media Examiner
  18. Will the Agency Model Survive? | The Passive Voice |
  19. The Indie Author’s Guide to Creating a Killer Media Kit — The Book Designer
  20. Character Eye Descriptions: The Window to Your Story | Writers In The Storm Blog
  21. Eye Color Meaning | Free People Blog
  22. Metal vs. Mettle Daily Writing Tips
  23. Nine Billion Reasons You Need to Opt-in to This Webinar - @Storyfix
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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