Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Jenni Cowburn

Think about your favorite romantic novel and the chances are it contains a strong male protagonist. If this protagonist is aloof, independent, emotionally unavailable, deeply flawed, secretive, cunning yet somehow still loving and attractive, then the chances are he is a Byronic Hero and your favorite romance novel just wouldn’t be the same without him. He probably has several ladies swooning at his feet and maybe has a history of picking the wrong partner or is currently courting a superficial slip of a girl who can’t possibly match up to his towering intellect.  He may even be locked in an unhappy relationship, unable to stay yet unwilling to leave – until, that is, he meets his intellectual and emotional soul mate, falls head over heels in love with her, overcomes any obligatory obstacles and then dashes off into the sunset with his number one lady at his side (or, as with Heathcliff and Cathy, meets a tragic end).

Heathcliff, Mr Rochester, Mr Darcy, Rhett Butler – even Edward Cullen in the popular Twilight novels – all are typical Byronic Heroes and many are characters in some of the greatest, most canonical romantic novels of all times. So how can the aspiring romantic novelist inject a little extra something into his or her male protagonist, making him an adversary (or advocate) worthy of the most Byronic of Heroes? This article will outline the traits associated with this type of romantic hero with a view to explaining exactly why all good romance novels need such a complex character.

What Makes the Byronic Hero so Special?

. . .

Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Are we there yet?: 5 Great Customer Service Techniques
  2. My Book Are Not Selling and I Want to Throw in the Towel | Book Marketing Professionals
  3. The Kill Zone: Five Ways to Stand out with Humor in Your Writing
  4. 7 Item To-Do List for Amazon Author Central Profile | How to Make, Market and Sell Ebooks
  5. Why Free Is Your Best Marketing Tool (And How to Harness It) | Penny C. Sansevieri
  6. 9 Things You’ll Regret When You Look Back on Your Writing Journey if You’re Not Paying Attention Now
  7. WOW! Women On Writing Blog: Beginning a Story: What Has to Be There
  8. Why Too Many Flashbacks Might Be a Warning of Deeper Story Problems | Kristen Lamb's Blog
  9. How to Tell if Your Story is On Target—What is Your Book About in ONE Sentence? | Kristen Lamb's Blog
  10. Why Too Many Flashbacks Might Be a Warning of Deeper Story Problems | Kristen Lamb's Blog
  11. Barnes and Noble Will Stop Selling Audiobooks July 1st
  12. Smashwords Adds Daily Sales Reports for Authors
  13. Two Things You MUST Get Right: Categories and Keywords | Ninie Hammon
  14. 3 Ways to Get More Honest Reviews for Your Book by Shelley Hitz
  15. Story Writing From Start To Finish: Don't Get Lost In The Middle
  16. Essential Google+ Marketing Resource: A Complete Guide | Social Media Examiner
  17. 4 Instances When Demonstrating Your Authority Can Be a Disaster - Copyblogger
  18. How to Hire an Ace Blogger for Your Company: A Blueprint : @ProBlogger
  19. Anne R. Allen's Blog: Know Your Genre: Tips and Secrets from the Experts for Writing Bestselling Genre Fiction
  20. Dissecting Your Characters with Terri L. Austin | Romance University
  21. The Byronic Hero and Why Every Good Romance Novel Needs Him | Romance Divas
  22. What is Upmarket Fiction? Defining the Classification. |
  23. Expand Our Senses and Improve Our Descriptions | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
  24. Dr. Watson, I Presume? The Importance of Killer Sidekicks | Writers In The Storm Blog
  25. Novel Diagnostics—How to Tell if Your Book Might Have Terminal Problems in TEN Pages
  26. The Kill Zone: Crafting an effective opening
  27. Book launch checklist - Kelsye Nelson
  28. VIDEO: How to plan a book launch
  29. Fiction University: Why Quieter Stakes Are Easier to Plot With
  30. Google Play — Should You Be Uploading Your Ebooks There? | Lindsay Buroker
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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