Friday, June 20, 2014

Friday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Bookwhirl

Being a good book marketer is just as important as writing a good book, and requires certain qualities for an effective campaign to bear the fruits of success.

Being a good book marketer, however, does not necessarily guarantee profitable sales but they are nevertheless the ideal values that authors should have and manifest so that the book will be made known to its demographic readers.

Whether you are a self published author or a book marketing services provider, it would be helpful to appreciate the importance of the following book marketing values and qualities in order for you to market more effectively:

Self-initiative. A good book marketer is proactive and does not fall into a false sense of complacency that the publishing industry will do all the marketing works for the book.

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Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. What Makes a Good Book Marketer? | Self-Publishing Review
  2. Author Janci Patterson Goes Indie | The Passive Voice |
  3. Author, Jody Hedlund: Hurrah! You Wrote a Book. Now What?
  4. 7 Ways to Create a Killer Opening Line For Your Novel -
  5. 12 things that will get your book review request turned down | THE WRITERS SHACK
  6. A Quick Tip to Keep Your Scenes Moving
  7. Divas on Editing: Proofread - Write Divas
  8. 11 Questions to Ask Yourself When You Reach the End | Beyond The Margins
  9. Do You Discuss Your Work in Progress? | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
  10. 5 Free Content Tools to Enhance Your Social Media Marketing | Social Media Examiner
  11. How Successful Writers Curate Ideas - Copyblogger
  12. How to Build a Blog that Has Lasting Impact Upon Its Readers : @ProBlogger
  13. Why Backstory is the Spine of Your Story And How to Use it to Make Your Story Stand Tall | Romance University
  14. Selling LOTS of Books and Why Bright Ideas Can Go BADLY | Kristen Lamb's Blog
  15. BookMarketingBuzzBlog: Improve Your Social Media With 11 Resources
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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