Sunday, June 22, 2014

Sunday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Lauren Sapala

Do you really know what motivates your characters? I mean beyond trying to solve the mystery of the plot you’ve woven around them, or being reunited with the person you’ve torn from them in the interest of suspense. What is the constant energetic force in your character’s life that drives him or her to do the things they do?

You can find out by looking at the three lower levels of human consciousness. These three areas are the ego’s favorite playgrounds. Most of us spend some time in all of them every day, but each us has one realm in particular that we favor. And that goes for characters too.

Here are the Big 3, going from lowest to highest:


Characters who are motivated by security tend to hoard things: Money, material items, food, etc. And they’re usually stingy when it comes to sharing. It’s difficult for them to trust others, and give or receive love. They tend to get jealous easily. They believe that if something good is going around, there isn’t enough and it will surely run out before it gets to them.

Security-focused characters manifest their underlying fears through rigidity, routine, paranoia and suspicion.

Gollum in the Lord of the Rings is a great example of a character who operates on the security level just about every single second of his life.

Sensation (or, the Sex Level)

. . .

Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Series Readers—What they Really Want to See in Our Books | Elizabeth Spann Craig
  2. Fine-Tuning a Manuscript--Comma Usage | Elizabeth Spann Craig
  3. How to Know If You’re Editing Too Soon | Lauren Sapala
  4. Security, Sex, and Power: 3 Keys to Unlocking Character | Lauren Sapala
  5. Fiction University: Four Questions to Ask to Make Your Scenes Pop
  6. 7 Reasons The Stuff You Post On Social Media Should Also Be On Your Website
  7. Marketing Your Book Abroad? How About A Buddy System? | Thought Catalog
  8. Two Dialogue Death Sentences & How to Get a Stay-of-Execution | Kristen Lamb's Blog
  9. Find Dialogue Daunting? (Part 2) – How to Vary Your Characters’ Voices | Lit Central | O.C.
  10. Who Said What? Speech Tags Decoded | Lit Central | O.C.
  11. Fiction University: Writing Basics: It's Exposition, Yeah, Baby!
  12. 101 Fabulous Plot Resources For Novelists | Molly Greene: Writer
  13. Should You Move Blog Subscribers To MailChimp? | Molly Greene: Writer
  14. 9 Time Saving Writing Tools for Content Marketers - Jeffbullas's Blog
  15. 20 Ideas for Sharing on Social Media
  16. Q&A: Is BlogUpp a safe and reliable way to promote a blog?
  17. Animated GIFs on Twitter: This Week in Social Media | Social Media Examiner
  18. How to Build a Blog that Has Lasting Impact Upon Its Readers : @ProBlogger
  19. How Successful Writers Curate Ideas - Copyblogger
  20. How to Make Sure You’re Not Wasting Time on Social Media by Frances Caballo — The Book Designer
  21. New Research: Topics That Get A Reaction | The Klout Blog The Official Klout Blog
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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