Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Tuesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Skye at Writerology

Emotion is a core part of being human. We experience it every day and we pump our stories full of it.

But what different emotions are there, are they the same within cultures and between them, and what biases might influence your emotional recognition?


Hunger, thirst, pain—though we might not immediately think of these as emotions in the traditional sense, they’re classed as such in psychology. They’re hard-wired into us and let us know when something isn’t right in our bodies.

One step up from primordial emotions, there are the basic emotions. These are assumed to be universal across humans; when you see a face expressing one of the six basic emotions, you should recognise it, no matter where in the world you’re from. They include:
  • Anger
  • Fear
  • Disgust
  • Surprise
  • Happiness
  • Sadness


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Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. TED-Ed Blog» Blog Archive » Be a better writer in 15 minutes: 4 TED-Ed lessons on grammar and word choice http://ow.ly/xMaFS
  2. How Do Different Characters Express Emotion? | Writerology http://ow.ly/xMb0I
  3. How Believable Is Your Character’s Storytelling? - Writerology http://ow.ly/xMb5G
  4. The Kill Zone: The Fastest Way to Improve Your Novel http://ow.ly/xMbaN
  5. Seven Tips on Getting Book Reviews>Book Reviews http://ow.ly/xMbws
  6. Clarissa Draper: 3 Reasons Why Writers Should Keep A Sentence-A-Day Journal http://ow.ly/xMbyy
  7. Anne R. Allen's Blog: How to Write Blog Content: 9 Tips to Entice Readers to Your Author Blog http://ow.ly/xMbCj
  8. Agents vs editors | The Bookseller http://ow.ly/xMbFT
  9. Let Me Explain to You a Thing http://ow.ly/xMbJ9 How to write an interesting and catchy prologue?
  10. My Book Are Not Selling and I Want to Throw in the Towel | Book Marketing Professionals http://ow.ly/xMbV0
  11. Tips to Reduce Your Editor’s Fees | Editor Spotlight, by Darlene Elizabeth Williams | Karen R. Sanderson's Blog http://ow.ly/xMcYe
  12. Let Me Explain to You a Thing http://ow.ly/xMdSZ There are two methods to building characters: Slowly or All At Once.
  13. Pub Hub: Editor's Eyes: Writing Advice from Don Draper http://ow.ly/xMeb7
  14. 10 steps to surviving being a writer | 5 Writers 5 Novels 5 Months http://ow.ly/xMexe
  15. How 'Pages to Watch' from Facebook Can be a Source of Competitive Insight | Social Media Examiner http://ow.ly/xMeAa
  16. Theme Week Roundup: Which Tip Will You Put into Practice? : @ProBlogger http://ow.ly/xMeDV
  17. One Step to Better Writing and More Diversity | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author http://ow.ly/xMeGP
  18. BookMarketingBuzzBlog: How The Book Industry Can Grow http://ow.ly/xMeJz
  19. I Understand and Sympathize | The Passive Voice | http://ow.ly/xMeO5 Joe Konrath
  20. Writer Unboxed » A Letter to Aspiring-Writer-Me from Debut-Novelist-Me http://ow.ly/xMf2R
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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