Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Wednesday's Links to Writing and Marketing Blog Posts

By: Janice Hardy, @Janice_Hardy

Whether you're an outliner, a pantser, or somewhere in between, you want your story to pull readers in and keep them hooked from scene to scene, all the way to the end of the novel. The more eager they are to find out what happens next, the faster they'll turn the pages and the more likely they are to think, "wow, what a great book. I'm telling all my friends." 

Unfortunately, novels don't always cooperate, and a first draft (or first outline) can become a tangled nest of scenes with no coherent narrative drive. This situation happens, then this happens, then this happens...oh, and then this happens...but it never feels as if it's going anywhere. It's not so much a story but a string of moments where "the protagonist does X" or worse, "then this happens to the protagonist." 

Here's a little trick that can help keep your story on target. Better still, it works with the outlining, drafting, and revising stage, so you can use it as much or as little as needed. I like to write these down in my scene-by-scene outline file, but you could also do them as a book map or editorial map, highlight them in the text, or just mentally check them off if you prefer. 

Step One: Identify the goal of every scene

. . .

Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. How Believable Is Your Character’s Storytelling? - Writerology
  2. Are YOU the Writer's Block? With Donna Cummings | Romance University
  3. Negative, Continuous, and Passive Forms of Subjunctive Mood | Live Write Thrive
  4. Fiction University: A Trick for Keeping Your Plot (and Story) on Target
  5. Author, Jody Hedlund: 8 Steps For Getting Started on a Writing Career
  6. Anne R. Allen's Blog: Thinking Outside the Book: When a Writing Dead End Becomes a Detour to Success
  7. The Elements of a Good Mystery - The Fictorians
  8. 5 Reasons You’re Not Ready to Self-Publish Your Book
  9. The Kill Zone: Secrecy? Privacy? How do authors protect themselves?
  10. The Write Conversation : Indie Tuesday—A Ten Step Crash Course on Instagram
  11. The Simple Pre-Proofing Checklist | Wise Ink's Blog for Indie Authors about Self-Publishing
  12. Make Your Landing Pages Work Harder with LeadPages
  13. Using Pinterest to Get Customers through the Door
  14. 7 Social Media Marketing Trends - #Infographic
  15. SMToolbox: Social Media Tools for Content Curation | Social Media Today
  16. Book Marketing Expert - 5 Steps for Successfully Promoting Yourself Online
  17. 9 Tips and Insights for Publishing your Ebook - Jeffbullas's Blog
  18. 10 Writing Exercises to Break You Out of Your Creative Rut
  19. 52 Ways to Market Your Book: Tip #7 - How to Get More Media for Your Book! - Author Marketing Experts, Inc.
  20. Killing the Top Ten Sacred Cows of Indie Publishing: #7… I Have To Sell Books Quickly |
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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