Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Wednesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Janine Savage

Now that you have your manuscript written,  you’ve revised it and handed it out to people who gave you their honest opinion, and then revised and polished it some more… it’s time for the final stages so you can publish your creation for everyone to read. You can see the end in sight, the light at the end of the tunnel, the finish line or any other clichéd phrase you can think of!

You’re excited, your friends are excited, your mother has told everyone in her yoga class and they’re excited with whispered Namastes. If you haven’t decided what your marketing campaign is, this is when you really start to make those decisions. So you go ahead and schedule the cover design, book formatting, blog tour, announce the release date, coordinate your release day blitz, etc. Then you hire the editor for that final polish before sending your little fledgling out into the big wide world.

So what’s wrong with the scenario I just outlined? Well, Diva Janine, you say, it looks pretty good to me.

Schedule to Get Published
  1. Finish rough draft (1 month to 1 year) – check
  2. Revision Process (2 – 6+ months) – check
    • Send to critique group and revise – check
    • Revise some more – check
    • Send to readers for feedback and revised – check
    • Revise it to the nth degree – check
  3. Marketing Campaign (2-4 months) – check
    • Cover design – check
    • Release date – check
    • Blog tour company – check
    • Book formatter scheduled – check
    • Announce release and arrange blitz – check
  4. Edit Manuscript (3 weeks) – check
    • Hire editor (1-2 day) – check
    • Editor polishes manuscript (2 weeks)
    • Make edits (1-3 days) – check
  5. Format book (1-3 days) – check
  6. SUCCESS! – check… Ooo! look at that big check from the book reseller!
Did you spot the problem? I’ll give you a hint…

. . .

Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Why you should always 'Like' your own Facebook posts
  2. The Accidental Non-Linear Series | Indies Unlimited
  3. 4 Tools that Measure Google+ Page Performance | Social Media Examiner
  4. Writer Unboxed » The False Divide Between Book Promo and Author Promo
  5. Killing the Top Ten Sacred Cows of Publishing: #1 |
  6. Book Cover Copycats: Is It Flattery or Copyright Infringement? | WRITERS HELPING WRITERSWRITERS HELPING WRITERS
  7. 15 Easy Ways To Increase Your Twitter Engagement | Molly Greene: Writer
  8. How to Emotionally Connect With Your Readers - Writerology
  9. 11 Opt-In Offer Ideas Your Readers Will Love
  10. Quick Tips: When to Hire an Editor - Write Divas
  11. Author, Jody Hedlund: How to Plan for a Successful Book Launch
  12. 9 World-class Bloggers Share Their #1 Email List Building Tip : @ProBlogger
  13. Creative Writing Tip: How to Humanize a Villain | Creative Writing with the Crimson League
  14. Good Writing: No Matter Your Genre | Jordan Rosenfeld
  15. Top 5 LinkedIn Mistakes That Make You Look Bad | Next Avenue
  16. 6 Steps to Balance Your Editing: Plot vs. Characters | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author  
  17. How BookBub’s Selection Process Works - BookBub Unbound
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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