Friday, July 25, 2014

Friday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Molly Greene

When I started my journey into indie authorhood in early 2011, I set up a free blog (because I heard I was supposed to) and racked my brain about what to write that the world might be interested in reading (gah!). I agonized over my first few blog posts, but soon reasoned that since no one was reading them anyway, I may as well just let ‘er rip. That worked out well, because by the time I’d gained an audience I was over the fear of what to say, who was listening, and if they really cared. I’ve learned a lot along the way, including but not limited to the annoying fact that running a blog can take over your life if you allow it. Hopefully you can learn from my hard-won, uh, “wisdom.” Here are the core go-to components that help me wring the most from my investment of time and keep my blog on track: 

1. Make a plan. You may not begin with one. I didn’t. An avowed pantser, I jumped into the blogging stream and spent a few months negotiating the rapids. Eventually, I decided what my blog was about, figured out my readership, created an editorial calendar and established content, subjects, article categories, and my weekly post day. Now I have a tentative quarterly schedule. My suggestion is that you establish a range of subjects your blog will cover and post consistently (whether consistent for you is once a week or once a month). Creating a plan and a schedule will keep you sane.

2. Content is king.

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Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Are Your Scenes Causing an Effect?
  2. Publishers' Acquisition Activity Picks Up
  3. Book Signing Check-Lists | Indies Unlimited
  4. The Unsinkable Molly Greene With 8 Tips You Need!
  5. How to Create, Publish, and Market an Anthology (and why you’d want to) with J.M. Ney-Grimm | Lindsay Buroker
  6. Martha Alderson aka Plot Whisperer: 17 Steps to Becoming an Effective Communicator with the Muse
  7. 7 Ways To Get The CEO Crazy For Social Media Marketing - Jeffbullas's Blog
  8. Content - A Well-Balanced Content Menu for Your Blog [Infographic] : MarketingProfs Article
  9. 5 Ways Pinterest Can Help Your Blog
  10. 3 Easy Steps to Update Blog Archives for Pinterest - I {Heart} Social Media
  11. Ebook Subscription Services: Good for Authors? [Smart Set] | Jane Friedman
  12. Daily Update: Influence of Kindle Unlimited on Amazon "Bestsellers" Grows - Publishers Lunch
  13. 4 Ways to Immediately Improve Your Book Marketing Efforts | Jane Friedman
  14. The Kill Zone: How to save a bundle on editing costs – without sacrificing quality
  15. Build a Story, but Leave the Door Open
  16. David Gaughran | Let's Get Digital
  17. Secondary Characters with Their Own Needs | Live Write Thrive
  18. How to Add Meaningful Subplots to Your Novel | Live Write Thrive
  19. BookMarketingBuzzBlog: Come With Me Now,If You Want Your Book To Live
  20. My 4 Rules for Enhanced Creativity . . . and nailing the word count – Kobo Writing Life
  21. Writer Unboxed » News for the Newbies
  22. How to Get Started With Social Media Marketing | Social Media Examiner
  23. Three Ways to Outperform Your Online Competition : @ProBlogger
  24. How to Market Your Freelance Business Without Feeling Like an Impostor - Copyblogger
  25. Looking to build a platform on Twitter? @Ava_Jae shares her experience and a few tips:
  26. Does going on vacation make you more creative when you get back? | The Passive Voice |
  27. 7.5% of Book Buyers Are Buying Less From Amazon Due to Hachette Dispute - GalleyCat
  28. Four Reasons You Must Have Book Cover Blurbs! - Where Writers Win
  29. Is Your Book for Sale at Kindle Unlimited? - Where Writers Win
  30. Writer Platform: What About Wattpad? - Where Writers Win
  31. Author Co-Ops: What Are Your Options? - Where Writers Win
  32. Three Ways to Attract and Engage Your Readers - Where Writers Win
  33. Writing Active Settings, Part 2 — Guest: @MaryBuckham | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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