Saturday, July 19, 2014

Saturday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Janet Kobobel Grant

I’m an inveterate bookstore lurker, slipping into any shop along my path to peruse the aisles. On a recent trip, I checked out a Hudson News store in an airport and was taken aback when I saw this:

We all know that Nora Roberts is beyond prolific. (The Witness is her 200th book.) But the woman seems to have paid no attention to the concept of branding her covers so readers instantly know it’s a Nora Roberts book just by its appearance. I guess when each new release will hit the New York Times best-seller list regardless of what the cover looks like,  you don’t need to care.

But for us mere mortals, who are working hard to establish a publishing identity, branding via cover design can go a long way to draw regular readers.

How can you develop a signature look to your covers? With the cooperation (or instigation) of your publisher, it’s not as hard as you might think. Here are three ways to brand your covers:

1. Always use the same font for your name. 

. . .

Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Fiction University: Let’s Do The Twist – The Art and Science of The Plot Twist
  2. 3 Ways to Brand Your Covers - Books & Such Literary Management : Books & Such Literary Management
  3. How to fix a plot hole | Nail Your Novel
  4. What Happens In A Single Day On Bitly - #infographic | Digital Information World
  5. Write Away – Kobo Writing Life
  6. Dirty Talk, Regency Style | The Violet Femmes
  7. BookMarketingBuzzBlog: Will Books Be Here In 100 Years?
  8. Writing the Sex Scene | Writers In The Storm
  9. Writer Unboxed » Don’t Take Author Obesity Sitting Down
  10. 10 Ways to Exponentially Grow Your Traffic in 30 Days : @ProBlogger
  11. Facebook Ads: Creative Application to Help Your Marketing | Social Media Examiner
  12. 6 Branding Tips for Writers and Authors by Nina Amir — The Book Designer
  13. What’s So Interesting About Kindle Unlimited? | The Passive Voice |
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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