Sunday, July 13, 2014

Sunday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Roz Morris

This morning I was scratching my head for a post to write, so I asked on Facebook for ideas. Immediately, Vivienne Tuffnell volunteered this great question: ‘How do you keep motivated when your books aren’t flying off the shelves?

Before I could even type a reply, Zelah Meyer had countered with: ‘delusional optimism and a long-term view’!

Which is about what I would say (at least, the second bit).

We’ll assume for the moment that you’ve done everything possible to ensure your books are up to scratch, with appropriate covers, well-honed descriptions and sharp metadata. You know the book’s good. You’re doing all you can, as your promotion budgets and tastes allow. But those sales aren’t stacking up.

How do you take courage?

Build volume . . .

Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Fiction University: Real Life Diagnostics: Turning Infodumps Into Drama
  2. Presence on the Page: What It Is, and What It Isn’t | LitReactor
  3. Using Track Changes to Revise an Outline | Elizabeth Spann Craig
  4. Take Your Characters Out to Lunch: 5 Development Exercises | LitReactor
  5. When book sales are slow… how to keep motivated | Nail Your Novel
  6. 15 Twitter Facts and Figures for 2014 You Need to Know - Jeffbullas's Blog
  7. Web Sites - Four Ways to Give Your Website That Local Flavor All Over the World : MarketingProfs Article
  8. SlideShare on LinkedIn Profiles: This Week in Social Media | Social Media Examiner
  9. 7 Lessons Learned While Content Marketing for an Early-Stage Startup - Copyblogger
  10. 5 Key Elements for a Successful Women’s Blog : @ProBlogger
  11. What Kind of Self-Pub Are You? A Questionnaire and Tips for Maximizing Your Self-Pub Style  — The Book Designer
  12. The Latest Trends in the Indie Author Market [Smart Set] | Jane Friedman
  13. All Write - Fiction Advice: Strategic Dialogue
  14. Marketing Your Novel Via Contests: Michael Balkind - Marketing Tips For Authors
  15. The Craft of Writing – Kobo Writing Life
  16. Writer Unboxed » Twitter Etiquette 101
  17. Createspace vs. Lightning Source For Self-Published Print Books | Molly Greene: Writer
  18. Freebie Friday: 2014 Smashwords Survey Reveals New Opportunities for Indie Authors! - Where Writers Win
  19. Southern Writers - Suite T: Determination Writing
  20. What Should an Author Expect from an Agent? | Writers In The Storm
  21. Anne R. Allen's Blog: 12 Dumb Things Writers do to Sidetrack Our Own Success
  22. Karen Woodward: DIY: Turn Your Manuscript Into A Physical Book
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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