Thursday, July 31, 2014

Thursday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Laurie Schnebly Campbell

You already know that, no matter what kind of plot you’re building, it’s gotta be motivated by your characters in order to feel plausible. It doesn’t matter whether you’re doing an emotional plot or an action plot or both — what makes it work is the characters.

So what IS it that makes your characters do what they do? Or another way of asking that is, what makes anybody do what they do?

On the surface, motivation is simple.

There are all kinds of theories of motivation, and they all boil down to the same thing.

We want to be Okay.

Whatever it takes to be okay, that’s what motivates us.

Maslow talked about that, saying that to be Okay we first need Food and Water…yep, fine…Shelter…got it…then Safety…and in most books that don’t involve a zombie apocalypse, those issues are pretty well taken care of.

So we get into the next level of what people need to be Okay, which is Belonging / Acceptance / Love. Then there’s Respect of Others and Self-Respect, and finally there’s the drive to Be All You Can Be. Everywhere along that continuum, you’ve got some great motivators.

And that matters, because it’s the motivation that makes a character interesting.

Where does it come into the story?

. . .

Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Fiction University: Character Evolution: Don’t Restrict Your Characters to Your Original Vision of Them
  2. Why do you write? - The Rhubarb Writers Group : Publishing : SCBWI
  3. A Better Way to Open Your Novel -
  4. Are Your Scenes Causing an Effect?
  5. How to write a novel to an outline and still be creative | Nail Your Novel
  6. How to Easily Write a Great Logline
  7. 45 Ways To Sabotage Your Social Media Success | Molly Greene: Writer
  8. 11 Reasons Why People Blog - Jeffbullas's Blog
  9. Social Media - LinkedIn Acquires Bizo: Three Ways It Affects You : MarketingProfs Article
  10. Three Words That Will Speed Up Your WordPress Blog
  11. 10 Ways to Attract Your Ideal Customer on InstagramThe Heyo Blog
  12. Build Your Blog with Social Media Optimization (SMO)
  13. How to Bulk Schedule Messages Using HootSuite
  14. The art of writing a powerful plot twist
  15. So, About That Cover: Book Cover Design Tips From a Merchandiser – Kobo Writing Life
  16. BookMarketingBuzzBlog: How To Publish A Best-Selling Book
  17. 7 Must-Have Networking Apps to Boost Your Social Media Marketing | Social Media Examiner
  18. Announcing: A New Resource for Those Who Need Great Content - Copyblogger
  19. Playtime with Amazon’s Search Engine and Selling Prompts by Jason Matthews — The Book Designer
  20. Writer Unboxed » The Magic Trick to Landing an Agent at a Conference (Hint: There’s No Magic Involved)
  21. Update re: Amazon/Hachette Business Interruption | The Passive Voice |
  22. The Write Type - Multi-Author Musings: Good News for Self-Publishers
  23. Self-Published Book Awards: Are They Right for You? - Marcy Kennedy
  24. 9 Best Tools to Make Writers More Successful, Organized, and Effective - Helping Writers Become Authors
  25. Julie Musil: What to do Before You're Published
  26. Using Motivation To Shape Your Plot by Laurie Schnebly via @FFnP
  27. How to Fill a "Hole" on the Bookstore Shelf via @NinaAmir
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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