Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tuesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Jeff Bullas

There are many bloggers and brands that just leap onto Twitter, setup an account and start  tweeting. This random approach is fine if you are a person that is doing tweeting for fun and you want to share your rambling rantings to any Joe that  wants to leap into your stream and share sweet nothings.

Don’t be blinded by the shiny new Twitter tool, it needs to be used wisely and if you put in place a planned strategy it will deliver results that will delight and amaze.

The principles of a coherent marketing strategy should not be discarded because social media mania has turned your brain to mush. Twitter in the right hands with the right plan and approach is a very sharp marketing tool.

Twitter is the Perfect Marketing Channel for Bloggers

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Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Sweethearts Of The West: Travel by Horse http://ow.ly/z6Mot
  2. HM Ward on Literary Agents and the Indie Author Industry http://ow.ly/z7I05
  3. Ellis Shuman Writes: Why I Prefer Editing a Novel to Writing One http://ow.ly/z7Iyf
  4. Anne R. Allen's Blog: Thinking Outside the Book: When a Writing Dead End Becomes a Detour to Success http://ow.ly/z7JUq
  5. Fiction University: Fundamental Check: Do Your Scenes Have What They Need? http://ow.ly/z7JZC
  6. How to fix a plot hole | Nail Your Novel http://ow.ly/z7K4r
  7. Writer-Author Business Cards: 5 Common Missed Opportunities http://ow.ly/z7Kd7
  8. 4 Ways to Find Readers Who Love Your Work by Sean Platt & Johnny B. Truant http://ow.ly/z7Kno
  9. 5 Key Steps To Building Your Self-Publishing Career | Molly Greene: Writer http://ow.ly/z7KxC
  10. What Happens after the Crisis and Before the Protagonist Ends the True End of the Story? http://ow.ly/z7KOe
  11. 6 Simple Tips to Double Your Email List Using Facebook. http://ow.ly/z7KT1
  12. Social Media - The Content Consumption Habits of LinkedIn Users : MarketingProfs Article http://ow.ly/z7KXe
  13. How to Create a Twitter Marketing Strategy that Rocks - Jeffbullas's Blog http://ow.ly/z7L6d
  14. Facebook Chat Heads Jailbreak: Make Facebook chat easier with this app | BGR http://ow.ly/z7LFF
  15. 6 Cool New Apps for Writers - Social Media Just for Writers http://ow.ly/z7LQb
  16. Anne Rice on self-publishing and finishing a new novel - National Anne Rice | Examiner.com http://ow.ly/z7M3S
  17. Self-publishing boom lifts sales by 79% in a year | Books | theguardian.com http://ow.ly/z7MbQ
  18. The State of Self-Publishing | Hugh Howey http://ow.ly/z7Mgi by Hugh C. Howey
  19. Top self-publishing tips from successful indie author Terry Tyler | Self-Publishing Advice http://ow.ly/z7Mp4
  20. E-Books: Pros & Cons of the Top 5 Self-Publishers - Writer's Circle http://ow.ly/z7Mz4
  21. How to Write From a Dual Point of View | Miss Literati http://ow.ly/z7MS3
  22. 3 Tools to Better Manage Your Blogging Editorial Calendar | Social Media Examiner http://ow.ly/z7N2e
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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