Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wednesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Anna Campbell (Romance University)

Historical author Anna Campbell pens some of the best love scenes in romance, so who better to give us pointers on the all important first kiss? Great to have you back, Anna!

Hello, Romance University mavens! Thank you to Jennifer Tanner for inviting me to talk to you today!

Just recently I’ve gone through the process of choosing an excerpt from my next release WHAT A DUKE DARES for my website. And as so often has happened, I’ve chosen the first kiss scene.

I don’t think this penchant for initial smooches as pivotal encounters is accidental, although I will admit that I love a great kiss, whether in a book or a movie. So today I thought I’d talk about the importance of the first kiss in a romance novel and how to make the most of this essential scene.

Every romance novel works through a series of turning points. They include first meeting (sometimes if the characters are previously acquainted, this is the first time the readers see them together), first kiss, love scene(s) – although not necessarily if you’re writing a sweeter story – black moment, happily ever after. Each of these essential elements ramps up the tension, reveals character, advances plot. Apart from the ending where if you’ve kept the reader on tenterhooks about the resolution, the sigh of satisfaction as she closes the book on our blissfully happy couple will be doubly pleasurable.

For most romance novels, a major turning point is the first kiss . . .

Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Integrating Writing Into Life | Elizabeth Spann Craig
  2. Take Your Characters Out to Lunch: 5 Development Exercises | LitReactor
  3. 5 How-to Tips: Handling the Dreaded eBook Pirates
  4. National Novel Writing Month - Battling Clichés & Tired, Old Tropes: Hate-at-First-Sight Love Stories
  5. How To Maintain Your Writing Voice - The SITS Girls
  6. What does #Steampunk Mean? 10 Authors Share their Vision of the Genre « Unleaded – Fuel for Writers
  7. Fiction University: Having Trouble Plotting Forward? Try Plotting Backward
  8. Writing tips: How NOT to write disabled people
  9. David Farland’s Kick in the Pants—Writing Your Series
  10. What Is Voice In Fiction?
  11. Anna Campbell on Writing the First Kiss | Romance University
  12. Pucker Up: Writing the Kiss That Makes Readers Melt by Anise Rae | Romance University
  13. How to Respond to Alarming Changes - Books & Such Literary Management : Books & Such Literary Management
  14. Weighing Writing Choices | Elizabeth Spann Craig
  15. Fiction University: 5 Essential Questions to Ask When Writing Your Protagonist
  16. Novel writing tips | The 8 laws of Foreshadowing
  17. Claude Nougat's Blog : The Author-Reader Amazon Revolution:Mirage or Reality?
  18. How to Use Visual Content for Real-Time Engagement | Social Media Examiner
  19. Case Study: How One Veteran's Podcast Built a Million-Dollar Business - Copyblogger
  20. Content Isn’t King… Here’s What Is! : @ProBlogger
  21. The Cover That Wasn’t and the Cover That Was: Homeowner With a Gun by Samuel Hawley — The Book Designer
  22. Checklist: How to Organize Your Book Marketing | Savvy Writers & e-Books online
  23. Writing Active Settings, Part 1 — Guest: @MaryBuckham | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
  24. Mobile vs. Desktop: Target the Right Device for Readers in Your Genre - BookBub Unbound
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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