Saturday, August 23, 2014

Saturday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Post

By: Laurie Sanders

On the surface it would seem that a flashback and a memory are the same thing...and to an extent that's true. Both a character's memory and a flashback deal with something that happened in the character's past. Though both a memory and a flashback deal with the past, the handling of a flashback is vastly different from a simple remembrance. So too are the situations in which you might use each approach to conveying the past.

A Character's Memory

A character's memory is essentially a brief, reported (aka told as opposed to shown) rendition of the character's past experience. For example:

Jack's finger traced the gray photograph as he remembered the accident that had taken his baby sister's life. It had happened on a gray Sunday when his parents were at church and he had been tasked with watching Jennifer. He'd left her watching a rerun of Bewitched and had gone to the kitchen to fix peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch. When he'd returned to the living room Jennifer had been gone. He'd looked high and low before finding her lifeless body face down in the drainage ditch that ran behind their house. 

There are some specifics in this memory...but it is still a telling of what he remembers. As you read it, you have a feeling of being told about the events of this day, but there is no sense of experiencing it with him. 

Another thing that is true of the memory vs. the flashback is that with a memory the character remains fully present in the present day scene. He doesn't drift away from the present story in order to relive the past scene as he would with a full fledged flashback.

A Character's Flashback

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Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. The Difference Between A Memory And A Flashback - Laurie's Place  @Lauriesplace41
  2. What kinda people say “could of”? | Macmillan
  3. Fiction University: Writing Basics: The Inciting Event
  4. The difference between editing and proofreading | @Belinda_Pollard
  5. 7 Steps to Creating a Flexible Outline for Any Story |
  6. Making the Leap from Historical Author to Mystery Author | Elizabeth Spann Craig
  7. Writer's Edit 21 Writing Tips from a Fledgling Writer - Writer's Edit
  8. The 6 Habits of Highly Tormented Writers | Beyond The Margins
  9. Three story tricks you see in movies that you can’t pull off in prose | Nail Your Novel
  10. Main Character: How To Kill Your Protagonist
  11. David Farland’s Kick in the Pants—Writing Emotions
  12. E-reading has adverse effect on plot recall, says study | The Passive Voice |
  13. The “Queen of Snark” on Booking Blogs and Promoting Books
  14. Babbles from Scott Eagan: The Role of Agents In Career Planning
  15. Walking Away from the Stress of the “Big Release” | Elizabeth Spann Craig
  16. Anne R. Allen's Blog: 5 Protagonists Readers Hate: Why Writers Shouldn't Identify too Closely with a Main Character
  17. 10 Vital WordPress Security Tips : @ProBlogger
  18. Measuring Social Media: What Marketers Need to Know | Social Media Examiner
  19. Email List Building Series (Part 4): Finally! Ideas and Tips on What to Send to Your Subscribers |
  20. Finding a Balance Between Writing and Marketing by Joshua Graham
  21. Writers: 10 Ways To Stay Sane When You’re On A Deadline - Writer's Relief, Inc.
  22. Creative Book Marketing Tips from the Pros - Social Media Just for Writers
  23. Resources for Writers: Spark up Your Story - Adding Suspense, Tension & Intrigue – Handout
  24. How to Structure Your Reveals | Stavros Halvatzis
  25. Writability: How to Write Awesome Kiss Scenes
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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