Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sunday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Janine Savage  (Write Divas)

Ah… the mystery of scene breaks and what to do with them. It’s such a little thing, and yet its impact on the flow and pace of a story is important.  Scene breaks are a lot like commas: everyone needs them but the rules of use can be vague.

So what’s a writer to do? Glad you asked. First let’s address what scene breaks are used for. Most authors use them to indicate one or several of the following when a new chapter is not needed.

Shift in point of view

If your story is not told from a single point of view, the scene break can be used to indicate a change of the point of view character. There are a few guidelines when changing point of view. First, let your reader know early who the new point of view character is. Don’t leave them guessing or they will stop and reread to figure out what they missed, thus pulling them out of the story. Second, avoid changing POV within a scene. Third, avoid repeating the same scene from another point of view. Fourth, never change POV in the middle of a paragraph. This is particularly hard for authors writing in third person. For a more detailed article about point of view shifts, check out Jen Matera’s article “Writing Pitfall #5: Head Hopping.”

Change in setting

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Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Dialect and Contractions in Fiction | The Editor's Blog
  2. Author, Jody Hedlund: 7 Dialog Basics That Can Help Tighten Our Stories
  3. How to Create, Publish, and Market an Anthology (and why you’d want to) with J.M. Ney-Grimm | Lindsay Buroker
  4. 3 Ways to Sell More (Ideas, Books, Products, etc) | Daniel Decker
  5. Write it Right: How do I spell Ebook? | Lit Central | O.C.
  6. Forge the Write Habit | The Write Chain Challenge | Writerology
  7. Mobile vs. Desktop: Target the Right Device for Readers in Your Genre - BookBub Unbound
  8. 5 Expert Tips on Creating a Winning Book Cover
  9. The Importance Of Searching For Your Story | Pubslush Blog
  10. Pub Hub: The Spice of Revision: The 1913 Webster Dictionary
  11. Down after receiving a bad critique? @AuthorKeller offers some encouragement. #amwriting #publishing #writerslife
  12. Laurie Kellogg: Portrait of a Self-Published Romance Writer | Publishing Perspectives
  13. How to Keep your Story Moving and Your Character Believable | WRITERS HELPING WRITERSWRITERS HELPING WRITERS
  14. 4 Quick Tips for Authors to Get Website Traffic Fast! by Lynnette Phillips — The Book Designer
  15. Jared's Inkwell: Three Paths to High Concept
  16. Quick Tips: Scene Breaks - Write Divas
  17. Favorite Writing Tips: #2 – Use Index Cards to Plan Your Story
  18. How to Take the Yawn out of Literature | Stavros Halvatzis
  19. Flash Flood Fiction : 8 Boring Verbs And Their Better Substitutes
  20. 5 back of book extras you need to include in your book
  21. Are Cartoons Right For Your Social Media Content Strategy - #infographic | Digital Information World
  22. BookMarketingBuzzBlog: Is the Library Dead?
  23. Writer Unboxed » Cooking a Book
  24. Why Should You Go On A Blog Tour? -- An Interview with A. Terry
  25. The Evolution of Self-Publishing | The Passive Voice |
  26. New Pinterest Messages: This Week in Social Media | Social Media Examiner
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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