Sunday, August 17, 2014

Sunday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Jami Gold

Writing is often about finding a balance. Too much left in subtext can lead to confusion. Too much explanation can feel like an info dump or be too “on the nose.” Etc., etc.

With our characters, if we want our protagonists to seem heroic, they need to have strong traits. Yet at the same time, if we want our protagonists to be relatable, they need to have vulnerabilities. This is never an easy balance, especially when clichés fill our heads about what a “strong character” means.

Stereotypes of Strong Characters Don’t Allow for Diversity

On the heroine side, Ripley from Alien is often brought up as a “strong female character.” The stereotype, which I’ve written about before, refers mostly to physically violent, butt-kicking women. Furthermore, it assumes women who need rescuing—ever—can’t possibly be strong.

On the hero side, the stereotype is all-alpha-male-all-the-time. And not just a normal level of alpha male, oh no… In some genres, the expectation is for an amount of alpha-ness that reaches *sshole level—leading to the label “alpha-hole.” Again, the assumption is that heroes who are caring or sensitive—ever—couldn’t possibly be strong.

With all those clichés and stereotypes swirling about, it’s no wonder that we might struggle with making likable characters. There’s no room in those clichés for vulnerabilities that will make them relatable to the reader.

Whatever happened to “strong” meaning the ability to handle that which the character thinks they can’t? Whether they’re handling a situation, an emotion, a conflict, a weapon, a threat, or a relationship, there should be multiple ways of showing strength, or else we’ve lost a different kind of diversity among our characters.

Stereotypes Don’t Allow for Three-Dimensional Characters

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Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Average Price of an Ebook Best-Seller on the Rise | Digital Book World
  2. The Crash: Braving Your Second Draft - Helping Writers Become Authors
  3. Fiction University: Why Should Anyone Help Your Protagonist?
  4. Dealing With Multiple Drafts During Revisions
  5. Lessons Learned While Writing a Trilogy
  6. The Literary Agent Of The Future: Be Aware Of These Potential Changes! - Writer's Relief, Inc.
  7. How To Send A Power Tweet That Increases Engagement by 400% - Jeffbullas's Blog
  8. Content - What the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Can Teach Us About Content Marketing : MarketingProfs Article
  9. How to Use Your Blog to Leverage Social Proof and Increase Your Authority : @ProBlogger
  10. 26 Ways to Bring Your Blog to Life |
  11. Resources for Writers: Engage Your Readers with Deep Point of View
  12. Authors: Why Book Giveaway Promotions May Hurt Your Sales | Daniel Decker
  13. Anne R. Allen's Blog: How to Make the Bestseller Lists: Why Categories and Keywords Matter
  14. How to Nail your Amazon Logline | Stavros Halvatzis
  15. Flash Flood Fiction : 9 Worst Ways To Start Your Novel
  16. Summertime and the Authoring and Publishing Is Easy ... Ha!
  17. How To Sell Self-Published Books: Read This First | Catherine, Caffeinated
  18. The art of fan fiction: @chantegski
  19. 13 Great Facebook Pages for Writers | BOOK RIOT
  20. We. Don’t. Care. How. Traditional. Publishing. Works. | The Passive Voice |
  21. The Character Debate: Strong and Vulnerable? | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
  22. 10 Blog Content Ideas for Authors
  23. Facebook Tips: 31 Ways to Promote Your Facebook Page | Book Marketing Bestsellers
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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