Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thursday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: K.M. Weiland

Theme can be a bit of a tricky thing to understand how to pull off in a story. The main theme will always be central to the protagonist’s character arc. It will center around the story’s moral premise, as set forth in the Lie the Character Believes versus the Truth He Will Come to Believe.

But there are many other aspects to theme. You can have a story with a primary theme of mercy vs. justice, but it may also deal with such disparate topics as love, independence, change.

That’s awesome. The more interesting themes you can pack into a story, the richer it has the potential to be. But the more themes you pack in, the bigger chance you run of creating a fragmented story that’s all over the place. So how do you present deep and varied themes without letting them turn your story into a three-ring circus?

The primary answer to that is to make sure you’re choosing themes that are all tying together in some way. A coming-of-age story can very easily offer opportunities to explore love, independence, and change, while still being a tight story, because all these topics are facets of the same forward progress in the character’s arc. So your first task is to make sure all your mini themes tie back into your main theme.

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Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Fiction University: Learning to be an Unapologetic “Planster”
  2. 5 Guidelines for Approaching Book Review Bloggers
  3. Karen Woodward: Descriptivism and Word Lists
  4. How to Use Backstory to Keep Readers Reading | Elizabeth Spann Craig
  5. Writability: On Writing Practice Novels
  6. Three story tricks you see in movies that you can’t pull off in prose | Nail Your Novel
  7. Dramatic Action Is More Than Doing Stuff
  8. Verbal Gobbledygook: Editing Extra Words Out Of Your Writing - Writer's Relief, Inc.
  9. 1-2-3 Great Automated Twitter Support Tools | Molly Greene: Writer
  10. Is it Time to Forget Free Social Media Marketing?
  11. Discover The Power Within You: Storytelling and Content Marketing
  12. Brand Management - Do You Know When It's Time to Rebrand? : MarketingProfs Article
  13. Google Ranking Factors: The Complete List
  14. Self-publishing more lucrative for authors | The Passive Voice |
  15. 5 Ways You Can Influence Consumer Purchasing Decisions: New Research | Social Media Examiner
  16. Writing Basics: The Inciting Event
  17. 4 Ways Authors Can Rock on Twitter by Frances Caballo — The Book Designer
  18. 10 Ways to Tighten Your Pitch - Where Writers Win
  19. 5 Creative Ways to Market Your Book - Author Marketing Experts, Inc.
  20. Story Structure: a Graphic You Can Use -
  21. Write a Tight Story: Streamline Your Symbolism - Helping Writers Become Authors
  22. 4 Steps to the Ultimate Compelling Villain | Official Author Website of @Melissagmcphail McPhail
  23. Top 20 LinkedIn Tips from the Experts – UpCity
  24. Rejection, the Author's Job Description, and the Changing Purpose of Critiques and Book Reviews
  25. The Noob Guide to Online Marketing (With Giant INFOGRAPHIC) - Moz
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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