Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Stavros Halvatzis

Blake Snyder’s (Save the Cat) beat-sheet of 15 dramatic units that define the entire story offers perhaps the most potent and clear advise on structuring your tale. So, far be it for me to try and modify it. I do, however, want to expand upon Mr. Snyder’s 13th and 14th beats, The Dark night of the Soul, and Finale, since I believe they may allow for a possible weakness in the verisimilitude of the story, if not properly used.

These beats follow in the wake of several others, immediately before, which show the hero at his lowest ebb. They concern the moment when, despite the hero being down and out, both physically and spiritually, his goal in tatters, he finds the strength to try again. It is the most vulnerable point of Hollywood’s ‘up endings’ — the moment when the story, which cannot allow the protagonist to fail, ushers in an event that turns the tables on the antagonist.

How do we prevent this event, this new twist, from appearing trite and forced? How do we avoid our beats being labeled ‘a typically predictable Hollywood moment?’

. . .

Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Live dangerously. Use an adverb. | @Belinda_Pollard http://ow.ly/AGh6V
  2. Earn 6% more from Amazon while tracking your marketing http://ow.ly/AGjRG
  3. Living With A Writer: What You Need To Know | Beyond The Margins http://ow.ly/AGkcD
  4. The Writers Alley: The Power of the Black Moment in Man of Steel http://ow.ly/AGklX
  5. How to Impress an Agent or Editor with Your Platform http://ow.ly/AGkwe
  6. Writing Reviews | Self-Published Authors Helping Other Authors http://ow.ly/AGkCU
  7. Nailing Your Novel's Genre in Your Opening Scene | Live Write Thrive http://ow.ly/AGkYo
  8. Why a Newsletter is a Marketing Must http://ow.ly/AGl2G
  9. Kindle Pricing Strategies: How to Price Your eBook for Maximum Success http://ow.ly/AGl8m
  10. Resources for Writers: Don't Give Readers a Reason to Reject Your Novel http://ow.ly/AGlFU
  11. The Impact Character: Why Every Character Arc Needs One - Helping Writers Become Authors http://ow.ly/AGpiq
  12. Anne R. Allen's Blog: 10 Obsolete Beliefs that Can Block Self-Publishing Success http://ow.ly/AGq52
  13. Fill in Your Fictional World | The Editor's Blog: Characters Don't Live in a Vacuum http://ow.ly/AGqbN
  14. How to Save the Cat in your Story | Stavros Halvatzis http://ow.ly/AGqBw
  15. Book Success: The Magic of Perseverance http://ow.ly/AGqIp
  16. Writability: Guest Post: Moral Ambiguity in New Adult: We’re Not in Middle Earth Anymore http://ow.ly/AGqQE
  17. Cockeyed Caravan: Storyteller’s Rulebook: More Thoughts on Object Exchanges http://ow.ly/AGrav
  18. No One Ever Just "Says" Something: 50 Ways Not to Say "Says" - Where Writers Win http://ow.ly/AGtRK
  19. 18  Social Media Marketing Tips to Improve Your Marketing | Social Media Examiner http://ow.ly/AHEpq
  20. How to Write Smart Content on Days You’re Feeling Dumb & Distracted : @ProBlogger http://ow.ly/AHEEe
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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