Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Wednesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Brian Feinblum

For writers who have tried to get published by a traditional book publisher – and have been rejected or told to use a literary agent and have never landed one – many will rail against the establishment with cries of “elitists,” “gatekeepers” and “close-minded.”

But now writers have no excuses, no one to blame, no one to stand in their way.  They can simply publish themselves.  Instead of a gatekeeper in the form of a publishing acquisition editor who not only weighed a manuscript’s quality but its marketplace and the marketability of the author, today’s gatekeeper comes in the form of the author and his level of tolerance of fear and risk. It also comes in the form of resource availability -- in time and/or money.

If one wants to self-publish, there are set-up costs.  One must design a cover, edit a manuscript, do interior layout and invest time into learning how to upload a book for sale.  If you create an e-only book or print-on-demand publishing, you are spared the costs and benefits of printing thousands of copies.

The choices can be confusing, as there are many, many ways to self-publish.  But the good news is this:  If you have an idea and you take the effort to write a book, no one can stop it from being published, promoted, and sold but you.

That is both a liberating and burdening feeling for today’s writer.

Publishers still serve many purposes.

. . .

Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Write What You DON’T Know (Part One) | Elizabeth Spann Craig
  2. Lessons from RWA14: Help for Slow Writers | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
  3. Writers: 10 Ways To Stay Sane When You’re On A Deadline - Writer's Relief, Inc.
  4. On Rejection and Renewal: A Note to Aspiring Novelists
  5. Editing and the Writing Craft. Tips From An Editor | The Creative Penn
  6. Advice for young writers | Nathan Bransford, Author
  7. Why Should We Care? | Hugh Howey
  8. The 6-Step Guide for Crafting an Effective Content Marketing Channel Plan : @ProBlogger
  9. Introducing the Beta Reading Worksheet! | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
  10. BookMarketingBuzzBlog: Today’s Publishing Gatekeeper Is The Writer
  11. Writability: 4 Signs That Your Manuscript Isn’t Ready
  12. No More Facebook Like-Gating: What It Means and Why You Should Care - Jon Loomer Digital
  13. 7 ways to cut a novel without losing anything important | Nail Your Novel
  14. Writer Unboxed » Better than They Know Themselves
  15. Cockeyed Caravan: How To Structure a Story Around a Large Problem
  16. The Author Marketing Mindset: Debunking the Myths! » Book Promotion . com
  17. On Daydreaming: A Writer’s Perspective – Kobo Writing Life
  18. Grief, Loss and Creativity | fcmalby
  19. The Top 10 Benefits Of Social Media Marketing
  20. Margie’s Rule # 2: Write the Hard Stuff — Facial Expressions | Writers In The Storm Blog
  21.  6 Reasons Experts Include Case Studies in Their Blog Posts
  22. 11 Questions for Crafting a Fiction Pitch - Books & Such Literary Management : Books & Such Literary Management
  23. 5 Research Steps Before Writing Your Book Proposal
  24. Why Lies Create Interesting Characters | Gideon's Screenwriting Tips: So Now You're a Screenwriter...
  25. Fiction University: Why Should Anyone Help Your Protagonist?
  26. Traditional Publishing Myth: Your Book Will Be Published Exactly as It Was Written
  27. The Writers Alley: Creating a Setting That Comes Alive for Your Reader
  28. BookBub Trends: Memory - BookBub Unbound
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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