Monday, September 1, 2014

Monday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: James Moushon

One of the pieces of information authors are finding invaluable is a list of their readers. If you want to announce a new release, a promotion or a giveaway, the instant access to a list of your readers is priceless. It could mean an instant jump in rankings and an increase in reviews both critical to the success of your book.

The reader list is being used to develop friendships and relationships far beyond the sale of your novels. Building a list is a lot like farming. You cultivate the field. You plant the seed. You watch it grow. Then you harvest the crop.

It is study time again and I am fortunate to have a group of outstanding, award-winning authors whose opinions I value highly. I challenged my HBS Author’s Spotlight crew and over 25 authors responded to the study. Here is what they had to offer.

Why develop a reader list?

There are many reasons to develop a list. Of course, an opportunity to increase sales or obtaining reviews is at the top of the list. Developing relationships and gaining followers is a close second.

Build Relationships and Friendships

. . .

Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Notes from the Slushpile: What Writers Can Learn from Illustrators
  2. Taking a Closer Look at Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited
  3. Four Methods for Outlining Your Book - DIY MFA : DIY MFA
  4. Slushpile Chat: an Author and Agent Discuss the Art of Revision
  5. Book aggregators and distributors: A short primer |
  6. I'm Ready For My Close Up! The Importance Of Media Training For Authors - Where Writers Win
  7. Beyond Paper Editing: How to Turn Your Print Book into a Digital File
  8. Indie Authors: Using 99 Designs to Crowdsource a Cover
  9. The eBook Author's Corner: How Do You Develop and Use a List of Your Readers? - HBS Author’s Corner STUDY
  10. Vine: Short Videos and What Marketers Need to Know | Social Media Examiner
  11. Blogging for Business – Why it Works : @ProBlogger
  12. The 7 Things Writers Need to Make a Living - Copyblogger
  13. Getting In The Mood: From Mercer To Oates | Beyond The Margins
  14. These Writing Tips From George R.R. Martin And Robin Hobb Are Just Epic
  15. Fiction University: Deep POV is Not the Only POV
  16. How to Write Scary by Gretchen McNeil
  17. The Writers Alley: Six Vital Questions to ask your First Readers
  18. Ramp up your writing speed | Jenna Avery
  19. Featured Article: What Do Acquisition Editors Really Want? - Write Divas
  20. 6 Reasons You Should Self-Publish by Tiana Warner — The Book Designer
  21. Goodreads Giveaways: Don’t Do What You’re Told | Catherine, Caffeinated
  22. WOW! Women On Writing Blog: The Importance of Comps
  23. Triskele Books Blog: Gifts of the Journey – Writing about Family History
  24. Book reviews for self-published authors: what you need to know
  25. Anne R. Allen's Blog: Writing Collaboration: Is it Right for You?
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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