Sunday, September 21, 2014

Rave Reviews Book Club's "SPOTLIGHT" Author Blog Tour - Michelle Abbott

Please welcome author Michelle Abbott to Tabor Lane!

Author Bio

Michelle Abbott lives in the UK and hates describing herself in 3rd person. She's a self-published author who loves to write new adult romance about heroes who begin as the underdog and are protective of their girl. She's an avid reader of romance, is addicted to coffee and loves wine and chocolate, so yeah, not the most healthy eating and drinking habits :-) She spends way too much time online when she should be writing. She collects teddy bears and occasionally knits a couple of rows on a sweater she started years ago, which she may eventually finish in time to wear for her funeral.

Why I Self-Publish

Authors self-publish for a variety of reasons. Some have been rejected by trad publishers, some self-publish in the hope of getting noticed by a trad publisher, and there are hybrid authors who have a foot in both camps. I don’t fall into any of those groups. I’ve never sought an agent, or contacted a publisher. From the start I knew I wanted to be self-published.

Why? Because I’m a control freak. I want to decide when to release my books. I want to choose how I price them. I don’t want to work to someone else’s deadlines. I like to choose my own covers, titles, and decide on my own word count. Most important of all, I want complete control over the content.

My stories are gritty. They all contain cuss words and content suitable for 17+. Some of my stories have violence, and I wouldn’t want to have to tone them down. My characters have stories that need to be told. If I had to dumb them down, it would suck all the joy out of my writing.

Why did you decide to self-publish?

Michelle’s Social Media Sites

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