Saturday, September 27, 2014

Saturday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Dario Ciriello

Part of the Indie Author Series

The conventional wisdom today is that every author—and especially the self-published author— needs a strong social media presence.

This core assumption is reinforced by agents, publishers, publicists, and other authors. Some agents won’t even take on a new client unless that writer has a Facebook following of at least 500 and a Twitter following in excess of 5,000. At minimum, you also need a website; but you should also blog, guest blog, and have a Pinterest page for your each of your books, right?

And of course you need to interact with your readers, even if they’re only potential readers, and respond to them on each of the platforms you’re active on. Even if it takes time—hours every day—away from your writing, maintaining a strong online presence is something no writer can ignore. Because it’s all about community, right? 

I’m not convinced. In fact, I think it’s hogwash. 

. . .

Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Showing Emotions: Finding the Right Balance | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
  2. Fiction University: Blessing Or Curse? The Modern Writer’s Dilemma
  3. Three simple ways to get your hero to make a stand - Writers Write
  4. The Writing Café How do I make a reader care about a character very quickly?
  5. Donald Maass Talks About How To Make Your Readers CARE About Your Characters On The First Page
  6. Do your minor characters have their own eccentricities? - Venture Galleries
  7. Writability: How to Write Awesome Kiss Scenes
  8. Make POV Work for You: Writing the Male POV |
  9. Greatest Fear: How to Find It and Run with It - Writingeekery
  10. Seriously Write: Listen to the Music (A Writer’s Journey) by Kate Breslin
  11. How To Anchor Point Of View - Laurie's Place @Lauriesplace41
  12. Writing Scenes v. Narration: Know the Difference | Linda S. Clare
  13. Advanced Blogging: How to Go Big With Your Blog | Social Media Examiner
  14. Why Web Push is the Next Big Thing for Bloggers : @ProBlogger
  15. How to Make Winning Infographics Without Risk - Copyblogger
  16. 3 Ways to Convert Blog Content Into a Word Doc
  17. How Much Should You Charge for Your E-Book? 7 Questions to Ask
  18. Showing Settings through the Eyes of Your Characters | Live Write Thrive
  19. When Blogging Becomes a Slog | The Passive Voice |
  20. Should You Be Using a Pen Name? by Helen Sedwick — The Book Designer
  21. Are You Losing Book Sales Over This Common Problem? - Training Authors for Success
  22. How to Write a Short Story With Deep Structure
  23. 5 Lessons in Publishing Success From Bella Andre - Jane Friedman
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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