Saturday, September 13, 2014

Sunday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Karen Woodward

Today I’d like to talk about something that puzzled me no end when I first began writing: subplots. I’ve been reading Robert McKee’s book, “Story” and what follows draws liberally from his insights.

The Shifting Sands of Terminology

Subplots, main subplots, main plots, central plots, minor arcs, major arcs, and so on. As I’ve read about writing over the years each of these terms has been pressed into service to describe the interwoven threads of a story.

The idea that I came away with—and it’s not at all a bad way of looking at it—is that a novel length story isn’t composed of just one plot but many. One of these plots will form the spine of the story and the other plots, the subplots, are woven around the spine, strengthening it, giving it depth and complexity. 

The plot that forms the spine of the story, let’s call this the central plot, this plot line involves the main character’s pursuit of her goal, the obstacles she has to overcome, the cost of winning/failing as well as the final outcome.

But not all stories have subplots. There are good stories—heck, great stories!—that don’t have subplots. “The Fugitive” and “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” for example. 

So, what’s the deal? Do we need subplots? If so, why? What do they do? What’s their function in a story?

Subplots are a tool—one of them—that will help get a writer through the Great Swampy Middle of Despair.

. . .

Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. The Key Differences Between Middle Grade vs Young Adult |
  2. Janet Reid, Literary Agent: Question: 5 Key Things to know about personalizing your query
  3. Karen Woodward: Subplots And The Great Swampy Middle
  4. After 20 Novels, What Does Your Editing Process Look Like? | Lindsay Buroker
  5. How to Write a Clean First Draft | Indies Unlimited
  6. Microsoft Word | styles | formatting | Lynne Cantwell | Indies Unlimited
  7. Using Story Beats To Increase Writing Speed | David Gaughran
  8. What Do Pre-Orders Mean for Your Book? - Jeni Chappelle
  9. Barnes & Noble on the Brink | Hugh Howey
  10. 7 Health Tips for Writers Who Don't Get Enough Exercise
  11. 7 Ways to Prevent Carpal Tunnel for Writers
  12. Picking a Juicy Secret to Jazz Up Your Character - Writingeekery
  13. Why It’s A Good Idea For Screenwriters To Write Books | Gideon's Screenwriting Tips: So Now You're a Screenwriter...
  14. Plot-driven or Character-driven: Does it Really Matter? - Jeni Chappelle
  15. Lessons Learned From 3 Years As An Author-Entrepreneur | The Creative Penn
  16. Writer Unboxed » The Surprising Importance of Doing Nothing
  17. ThrillWriting: How to Punch Cement - for Writers
  18. Writing and Social: Why the Written Word Is Your Marketing Advantage | Social Media Examiner
  19. Creating and Selling Ebooks Webinar : @ProBlogger
  20. Why You Must Not Ignore The Call to Adventure - Copyblogger
  21. 21 Book Marketing Tips for Authors
  22. Writability: 5 Things You Don’t Need in Your Query
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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