Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sunday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Macie Colleen

“Show, don’t tell.”

We hear this all of the time. Yet, many writers struggle with this very idea.

Writers like to research. We travel to faraway places, we talk with people who live there. We look through old files and photographs. We mine our memories for tidbits and call upon our imagination to fill in the rest.

We stay cerebral.

But this is where we fail ourselves. This is where we fail our readers.

We all want to write books that make people feel, but in order to do that—we must feel first. We must cry. We must get angry. We must laugh. We must fall in love. We must face fear.

But to achieve true emotion with our words, we need to get out of our heads and tune into our guts.

To do this, I like to call upon the actor’s craft.

Here are 3 tips to get out of your writer’s head and write from the gut.

 . . .

Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Three Acting Tips for Writing with Emotion by Marcie Colleen | Writing for Kids (While Raising Them)
  2. Fiction University: 8 Marketing Don'ts: Get Real or Get Lost!
  3. What is “Word of Mouth” in Today’s World? - Elizabeth Spann Craig
  4. The 5 Most Common Writing Mistakes That Break Reader Immersion | Creativity Hacker
  5. A Process-to-Product Success Story -
  6. Fiction University: Moving Forward: Writing Smooth Transitions
  7. Young People are Reading As much as Adults
  8. Is your dialogue just characters talking?
  9. Janet Reid, Literary Agent: Question: 5 Key Things to know about personalizing your query
  10. Four story openings that put people off and how to avoid them
  11. Twitter Buy Button: This Week in Social Media | Social Media Examiner
  12. Writer Unboxed » Everything You Need to Know About the @Reply
  13. Beyond Paper Editing: 8 Proofreading Tools for Beta Readers
  14. A Clever Twist on Video and Book Club Promo from Author Neil Gaiman - Where Writers Win
  15. 18 New New York Times Bestseller Lists | The Passive Voice |
  16. Better Know a Genre: Mystery - Jeni Chappelle
  17. ThrillWriting: Want to Try Something Knotty? Five Helpful Knots to Save Your Heroine's Life
  18. General to Specific: From One Sentence to a Plot
  19. BookMarketingBuzzBlog: The Newsroom Is Run By Publicists
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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