Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Jeni Chappelle

What deep POV is

Deep POV (Point of View) has been increasing in publishing for the last 20 years or so, and it’s getting more popular every year. Sometimes it’s also called tight or close POV. If you’ve ever gotten feedback from an editor or agent, chances are they said something about deep POV. But it’s a tricky concept for many writers. I’ll admit, it took me a while to wrap my head around it. So just what the heck even is deep POV, and why does it matter?

A quick reminder

There are three basic POVs:

  1. First person: uses “I” to refer to the main character and is limited, ie, the narrator can’t disclose anything the main character doesn’t know. So other characters’ thoughts and feelings and events that happen outside the POV character’s presence are out.
  2. Second person: uses “you,” as in “You head down the shadowy hallway and see a dim light at the other end.” This one is also limited, but it’s barely used, as it’s really hard to do well and even harder to read.
  3. Third person: uses the main character’s name or “he/she.” Can be limited or omniscient—omniscient means the narrator knows everything everyone is doing, thinking, and feeling at all times.

Since second person is so rarely used, I’m just going to talk about first and third person here.

Deep POV refers to that limited perspective, and it can be used in any limited POV. But it takes it a step further than traditional limited viewpoint. Deep POV seeks to mimic the way we perceive situations in real life. With a deep POV, the narrator only tells things that the POV character is consciously aware of. Here’s an example:

. . .

Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Guest post (and giveaway!) - How and when to revise your manuscript | Nathan Bransford, Author
  2. Seriously Write: Message Promoting by Carol Stratton
  3. The ethics of beta reading | Jordan McCollum
  4. How to make your book FREE on Amazon (without using KDP Select) | Badass Marketing
  5. How to Make Readers Care About an Absent Character
  6. Writing Questions Answered Dialogue: Making it More Detailed
  7. DOs and DON’Ts of Deep POV - Jeni Chappelle
  8. How to Use Layers to Show Intense Emotions | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
  9. In Praise of Slower Writing with Maggie Bolitho | Romance University
  10. Fiction Writing: How to Create a Believable World for Your Characters
  11. Raquel Byrnes: 9 Rules For Slashing Your Baby
  12. WOW Wednesday: 10 Things You Don't Need (To Be A Writer) by Delilah S. Dawson
  13. The Nemesis Character Type in Your Story | Live Write Thrive
  14. How Settings and Locale Shape Us and the Characters We Create | Live Write Thrive
  15. The Kill Zone: Keep an offhand remark on hand
  16. Greatest Fear: How to Find It and Run with It - Writingeekery
  17. Succeed At Writing: How to Avoid Common Writing Mistakes
  18. Have You Orphaned Your Dialogue?
  19. BookMarketingBuzzBlog: Why Poetry Stinks – And You Should Love It
  20. 5 Tips for Running Successful Social Media Campaigns | Social Media Examiner
  21. What Does Editing Look Like? Behind the (Crime)  — The Book Designer
  22. How to Craft a Blog that Attracts Customers and Converts Like Crazy : @ProBlogger
  23. Why You Must Not Ignore The Call to Adventure - Copyblogger
  24. Charting Nook’s Decline | The Passive Voice |
  25. How to Get People to Read Your Entire Blog Post
  26. What Are TV Executives Looking For | Gideon's Screenwriting Tips: So Now You're a Screenwriter...
  27. Writability: Manuscript Wish List (MSWL): A Hugely Valuable Resource for Writers
  28. Cockeyed Caravan: Rulebook Casefile: Dramatic Questions on CSI
  29. Writer Unboxed » What It Really Takes
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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