Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Frances Caballo

Whenever I feel tired after spending hours of reading emails, blog posts, tweets and Facebook updates, I sneak over to Pinterest and feast on the images.

Don’t mistake me Pinterest isn’t just a vacation for the eyes – although I love it for that reason alone. It is also a powerful social media network that, according to research, will send more traffic to your website than Facebook.

Writers often wonder how they can make the most of their Pinterest accounts. Here are some suggestions to get you started.

Pinterest Tips for Authors

  1. Open a business account, not a profile. Starting with a business account will enable you to view analytics.
  2. Create a pinboard for your blog . . .

Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. 52 Ways To Sell More Books - Tip #52 http://ow.ly/BLuHv Five Simple Ways to Improve your Ranking on Google
  2. Seriously Write: Stay True to Your Writing Path by Mary Manners http://ow.ly/BLw1n
  3. Men as Crit Partners: The Male POV » Writeonsisters.com http://ow.ly/BLKx6
  4. Getting graphic with online tools | Gwen Hernandez http://ow.ly/BLKM0
  5. Which is better – a Facebook page or a Facebook profile? | songoftheseagod http://ow.ly/BLL4a
  6. How Chapters Are Built--What to Include, What to Skip, and How to Know If You Actually Have One http://ow.ly/BLLNn
  7. Fiction University: 10 Tips for Shooting Your Own Cover Photo http://ow.ly/BLMaP
  8. Types Of Subplots | Gideon's Screenwriting Tips: So Now You're a Screenwriter... http://ow.ly/BLTr1
  9. Plot-driven or Character-driven: Does it Really Matter? - Jeni Chappelle http://ow.ly/BLTKU
  10. The Kill Zone: POV 103: Engage Your Readers with Deep Point of View http://ow.ly/BLTYA
  11. ThrillWriting: A Heroine's Plan to Escape a Car Abduction - Information for Writers http://ow.ly/BLUdx
  12. Succeed At Writing: The Writer's Secret Magical Genius Part 2 http://ow.ly/BLUJ3
  13. Make More Money as Multiple-Book Author http://ow.ly/BLV7g
  14. 5 How-To Tips for Writing Historical Fiction | Live Write Thrive http://ow.ly/BLVsw
  15. 15 Pinterest Tips for Authors - Social Media Just for Writers http://ow.ly/BLVO0
  16. You've Been Writing Sentences Wrong All Your Life! Find Out Why - Helping Writers Become Authors http://ow.ly/BLX5h
  17. 3 Ways to Sell More (Ideas, Books, Products, etc) | Daniel Decker http://ow.ly/BLXWs
  18. 5 Guidelines for Approaching Book Review Bloggers http://ow.ly/BLYcL
  19. What is a Dangling Modifier | The Editor's Blog http://ow.ly/BLYoU
  20. My Thoughts About Marketing for Independent Authors | blindoggbooks http://ow.ly/BLYE5
  21. Flash Flood Fiction : Top 10 Cliched Characters in Fiction http://ow.ly/BLYTp
  22. How to Increase Your Facebook Conversions Using Google Analytics | Social Media Examiner http://ow.ly/BLZgA
  23. Don't Plot Like I Do http://ow.ly/BMt6r
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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