Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wednesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Jeni Chappelle

In every writers group, in every forum, in every book or blog about writing—you’ll find this advice: if you want to write (or write better), read. See, it’s easy for writers to get caught up in the writing process and forget what their readers experience. So for a writer, reading helps you get into the minds of readers—because then you are one. And just that will make your writing stronger.

But there’s a secret to reading that can help you cultivate even better writing.

Ready for it?

You can’t just read more—you have to read better. Consider reading as a pursuit just as important as writing, rather than simply a distraction or hobby.

But what exactly reading better look like?

First, it doesn’t mean giving up reading just for pleasure. If you take the joy out of reading, it won’t be long before writing isn’t much fun anymore either. But there are some ways to make your reading fun and educational, in a grown up way.

How to Read Better

Approach reading for pleasure as a learning experience

Be curious. Don’t be afraid to take the writing apart into its elements and put it back together. Knowing how and why something works doesn’t have to diminish your enjoyment of it—instead it can give you a deeper appreciation.

Use your reactions as a guide

. . .

Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. How to Avoid the "Extra" Work of Social Media - Jane Friedman
  2. Top 10 Tips for Writing Novellas | MMU Novella Award
  3. Fiction University: Setting the Stage: How I Hook Readers From Page One
  4. 3 Essential Questions for Better Backstory
  5. Writer Unboxed » “Visionaries on the Decks”: Storytelling
  6. Are You Progressively Tense? | Live Write Thrive
  7. Mythcreants » How to Create an Unhappy Ending
  8. 5 Ways to Take Your Pinterest Marketing to the Next Level | Social Media Examiner
  9. How to Turn Bland Text into Sparkling Online Content - Copyblogger
  10. 5 Unique Ways to Increase Your Blog Traffic : @ProBlogger
  11. 14 Definitions You Need to Know When Creating an Author Media Kit by Joan Stewart — The Book Designer
  12. Amazon to Launch New Crowd Source Platform, Now Recruiting KDP Authors |
  13. Read Better to Write Better - Jeni Chappelle
  14. Writing Questions Answered Description: Describing Size
  15. Succeed At Writing: The Writer's Secret Magical Genius Part 2
  16. ThrillWriting: Logic in Your Plot Line - Investigatory Thought Choices with Richard McEachin
  17. How Online TV Has Changed Storytelling | Gideon's Screenwriting Tips: So Now You're a Screenwriter...
  18. 10 Ways to Get More Email Subscribers and Build a Powerful List | Daniel Decker
  19. Banned Books? Or Freedom to Write and Read? | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
  20. Author, Jody Hedlund: 7 Point-of-View Basics Every Writer Should Know
  21. The Advantages of Author Portraits by Simone Collins
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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