Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thursday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Janalyn Voight

An editor once commented in a pitch session I attended that writers should learn to write better pitch sentences from analyzing how movie trailers grab viewers. The remark stayed with me. Isn’t holding a reader’s attention all through a novel what writers hope to do? While acknowledging the importance of sales and awards, I’d argue that authors measure a story’s real success in whether readers stay up past their bedtimes while flipping pages.

With an eye toward fostering more sleep deprivation, then, let’s take a look at what makes movie trailers so compelling.

Movie trailers have the advantage of being visual whereas books can only use words, so comparing them isn’t fair, right? Yes and no. It’s true that moving pictures can grab attention with ease. However, readers use their imaginations to create mental images. It might even be argued that these self-generated images have more charm for them. Storytelling is always a partnership between the writer and readers, with the writer initiating storytelling and readers carrying it through. How well the writer does her part determines how fluently readers can do theirs.

How to Write a Page Turner Using Movie Trailer Tips

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Read the full article HERE!


 If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Fiction University: When to Revise What in Your Novel
  2. How to Write a Page Turner Using Movie Trailer Tips | WordServe Water Cooler
  3. Writing the Romance Novel: Beats 1 & 2 |
  4. How to Beat Writer’s Block: 5 Ways to Face the Blank Page
  5. 11 Steps for Your On-Site Book Launch »
  6. Pub Hub: Secrets to Writing for Kids: Hiking Up the Emotional Intensity
  7. Writers On The Move: 5 Tips to Writing Your Author's Bio
  8. Karen Woodward: Mind Worms And The Essence of Drama
  9. Things Bloggers Should Know Before Using Google Adwords : @ProBlogger
  10. How to Ignite a Feeling in Your Audience - Copyblogger
  11. Thou Shalt Blog? by Jason Matthews — The Book Designer
  12. Simple eBook Formatting Using MS Word | Molly Greene: Writer
  13. Copyright, Publishing Contract Clauses, Image Use And Avoiding Getting Sued With Helen Sedwick | The Creative Penn
  14. Anne R. Allen's Blog: Do Authors Obsess Too Much About Book Reviews?
  15. Frustrated with Slow Progress? Join the Crowd | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
  16. Seriously Write: Five Tips for Marketing Your Masterpiece, Part One by Meaghan Burnett
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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