Monday, November 3, 2014

Monday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

NYC Marathon - Central Park
I had a great day yesterday at the NYC Marathon. What an awesome race. I didn't run it, but I wish I had! This picture was taken in Central Park around mile 24. The crowd support was amazing. 

I met a woman from Austria, whose husband was running. This was her first trip to America and she was a bit nervous. She couldn't find her way to the finish line so I told her I would help her. She expected her husband to finish at 2:00 so we were running to get there in time. 

At one point, we had to run around the crowd and ended up in the street and just kept going until a security guard pulled us out. It was pretty cool getting to run "in the race" if only for a few minutes. 

When she spotted a runner wearing pink butterfly wings, she knew her husband was not far behind.  I left her at Columbus Circle and made my way back to my daughter's apartment. Awesome day. The city definitely supports this race. The race was already on my bucket list. Now it has moved to the top!  


By: Marcy Kennedy

For all the wonderful things that technology provides us, it also comes with new risks. We need to be smart about our social media use because Twitter won’t be fun and our platform building won’t be sustainable if we don’t know how to stay safe.

So today I wanted to share seven tips for how to protect yourself and your information on Twitter so that you can make new friends, reach new readers, and grow as a writer.

Tip #1 – Change Your Passwords Regularly and Protect Them from Scam Artists

If you use a weak or easily guessable password, you make yourself an easy target for hackers.

. . .

Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Fright for your Write: Part 3 (Plot) – Kobo Writing Life
  2. 7 Tips for Staying Safe on Twitter — Guest: Marcy Kennedy | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
  3. Five Tips for a Successful NaNoWriMo - Curiosity Quills Press
  4. Promo Tactics and Balancing Life and Writing - Elizabeth Spann Craig
  6. Indie Book Marketing Step Three—Early Readers
  7. The Surprising Spooky Secret to Enduring Success Habits - Copyblogger
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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