Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wednesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Lisa Hall-Wilson

Deep POV is one of my favorite writing techniques. Also known as a limited or close point of view, your reader experiences the story right alongside the character telling the story.

Deep POV is emotive, creates a sense of immediacy, and can be written in either past or present tense. The reader is only privy to what the point of view character (POVC) knows, sees, senses, understands, and is aware of. The reader experiences the story through that character, including their worldview, opinions, prejudices, past experiences, education, social class, economic class, family status, hopes, and failures.

Actors have a lot to teach us about writing in this style. Method acting is a technique used by actors to recreate in themselves the thoughts and feelings of the characters they are portraying.

Some method actors take it further than others. Heath Ledger locked himself in an apartment for a month to play The Joker. Jack Nicholson reportedly underwent electroshock therapy for his role in One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest. Viggo Mortensen was known to have lived in his Aragorn costume off set, carried around the sword, and personally cared for his character’s horse. Daniel Day-Lewis lived in the woods for six months hunting and shooting and trapping to prepare for his role in The Last of the Mohicans.

Do writers need to be this in-depth? 

. . .

Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Post, Pin & Tweet - The Best Time to Outreach #SocialMedia
  2. Let’s Get Freaky: How to Write a Scary Story  
  3. Writing Fiction: 3 Ways to Build a Stronger Story  
  4. How to Sell More Books to the Right Target Audience  
  5. Creativity & Cleaning Toilets - Books & Such Literary Management : Books & Such Literary Management  
  6. Why Pursuing Your Passion Is Not Enough  
  7. Scene Stealers: Can Heroes and Villains Fall in Love? | Write to Done  
  8. Author, Jody Hedlund: Why Writers Are Often Blind to Their Own Faults  
  9. How to Plan and Create Captivating Visual Content  
  10. Fifty Things Under $50 Bucks To Promote Your Book: Tip #31 of 52 Ways to Market Your Book -  
  11. Helping Writers Become Authors - Write your best story. Change your life. Astound the world.  
  12. Anne R. Allen's Blog: Feel Like Popping Your Editor? Keep Calm and Read This.  
  13. The Psychology of Emotions — Guest: Kassandra Lamb | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author  
  14. Pen Name Launch: First Month Earnings $3043 (what worked and didn’t for marketing) | Lindsay Buroker  
  15. SELF-PRINTING: Posts | Catherine, Caffeinated  
  16. Giving Thanks That I’m a Writer | Indies Unlimited  
  17. Got Friends? Networking 101 for Authors - The Author CEO  
  18. The brutal truth about beta readers | @Belinda_Pollard  
  19. 50 Shades and the new queens of self-publishing | The Passive Voice |  
  20. The Kill Zone: First Round Picks...and Busts Why Big Advances Can Be Bad
  21. Deep POV - Using Your Pain to Become a Better Writer - Marcy Kennedy
  22. A Few Cool Doors That Open When You’re Published | Live Write Thrive
  23. ThrillWriting: Blood Alcohol Levels - Info for Your Inner Writerly Geek  
  24. Editing and Proofreading Tidbits by Karen R. Sanderson | Romance University  
  25. Three things all novelists need (according to Haruki Murakami)  
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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