Monday, December 8, 2014

Monday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Mia Botha

I’ll advise you not to use a prologue 99% of the time. That said, I know there are authors who have used it and used it well. 

When can you use a prologue? At Writers Write we teach that you can use a prologue:

To bridge a time gapIn The Edge of Reason by Carla Norton, the prologue takes place six years before the story starts. Reeve was abducted when she twelve and held captive for four years. The prologue tells of how she escaped. The inciting moment takes place six years later when her therapist asks her to help a young girl who has had a similar experience.

When it is the ending of your story.
. . .

Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. The Ultimate List of Writing Apps for iPad
  2. We are pro the prologue - sometimes - Writers Write
  3. The Psychology of Flow: What Game Design Reveals about the Deliberate Tensions of Great Writing | Brain Pickings
  4. Meet the Reader: 10 Tips to Get On With It - Script Magazine
  5. BookBub Explained « Nancy's Notes From Florida
  6. Holly Schindler's Character Driven: REVISION STRATEGIES
  7. 3 Writing "Cheats" for Making Dialogue Work Harder & Ring True | MuseInks
  8. What Makes a Good Story? Slush Pile Lessons #PubTip - JeriWB
  9. Black Gate » Blog Archive » Find the Conflict: Unblocking (or Actually Planning!) your NaNoWriMo Novel
  10. Killing the Villain: A Daring Plot Device | Writing Is Hard Work
  11. Aaron Rosenberg: Writing Characters Who Aren’t Like You . . . Completely
  12. What To Do When You Can't Settle On A Story Idea - Clever Help
  13. Why Is Concept The First Concern In Screenwriting?The Story Department
  14. Why Is It So Difficult To Write Well? | Writing Is Hard Work
  15. The Path to Deepening Your Protagonist - Writingeekery
  16. Mythcreants » Five Unrealistic Character Traits
  17. How to Get Read: 8 Ways to Take your Blog From Existence to Greatness: @ProBlogger
  18. Ebook Publishing Gets More Difficult From Here: How Indie Authors Can Survive and Thrive | Mark Coker
  19. Fiction University: Your Scene Needs a Problem
  20. Has Your eBook Been Pirated? What To Do: Step 1 | Molly Greene: Writer
  21. Anne R. Allen's Blog: Blogging for Authors: How to Create a Blog that Can Grow With Your Career
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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