Thursday, December 11, 2014

Thursday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Joe Bunting

So you want to become a writer.

Perhaps you write because it makes you feel alive. Perhaps you once read a book that made you think, “It must feel amazing to write something like this. Maybe I could be a writer.” Perhaps you feel like you can’t not write.

So then, how do you do it? How do you become a writer?

You Never Stop Becoming a Writer

Several years ago I became a writer. I’m not talking about the moment when I quit my job to write full-time. That happened much later. No, I became a writer when I started writing.
I still remember making the decision to write and publish one article per day on my blog. It wasn’t much, but this small habit was the beginning of my life as a writer.

Since then, I’ve written four books and more than a thousand articles. I’ve been published in national magazines and became a bestselling author. But that one decision changed my life.

No one is born a writer. You must become a writer. In fact, you never cease becoming, because you never stop learning how to write. Even now, I am becoming a writer. And so are you.

3 Steps to Becoming a Writer

Below are the three best pieces of wisdom I’ve learned about how to become a writer.

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Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Self-Publishing Authors: Did You Fail? Awesome! by France Caballo — The Book Designer
  2. 14 Twitter Holiday Tips To Beat Your Competition - Heidi Cohen
  3. The Trick to Presales | Wise Ink's Blog for Indie Authors about Self-Publishing
  4. Author David Khara on dealing with writer's block.
  5. Self Development. We All Need Mentors At Different Points In The Journey. | The Creative Penn
  6. The Ultimate in Networking - Elizabeth Spann Craig
  7. 6 Ways to Make Money as an Author (in Addition to Selling Books) | Lindsay Buroker
  8. Why Worrying about Genre is Holding You Back - Nick Stephenson
  9. How Do You Know What You Don’t Know? | Catherine, Caffeinated
  10. Customer Relationship Management for the Indie Author - The Author CEO
  11. Does Building an Online Presence Stress You Out? - Jane Friedman
  12. How to Avoid High PayPal Fees: A Trick for Freelancers
  13. How to Win Clients With Your Personal Brand, Plus 3 Live Listener Brand Audits - Side Hustle Nation
  14. Introducing #ProductBuild: Why I'm Creating My First Digital Product & Documenting The Process From Start To Finish
  15. Want To Be A Better Friend and Networker? You Need To Check Out These 3 Tools - Jessica Lawlor
  16. 25 LinkedIn Facts and Statistics You Need to Share
  17. Commonalities Of Successful Indie Authors Plus A New Way To Find An Editor | The Creative Penn
  18. 5 Killer Tips For Writing Deadly Crime Fiction | Molly Greene: Writer
  19. 105 Tips To Make Your Blog Rock - Jeffbullas's Blog
  20. Email Marketing - Mixing Video With Email Marketing: Four Inspiring Examples and Three Quick Tips
  21. Get Social Media Right: Five Things you Just Can’t Miss : @ProBlogger
  22. How to find old Facebook posts
  23. How to Hire An Awesome Virtual Assistant — Coveted Consultant
  24. Getting to Know Your Side Characters – A Writer’s Guide | Tianna Holley
  25. 51 Ways To Get More Traffic To Your Website Or Blog
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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