Thursday, December 18, 2014

Thursday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Janice Hardy
Attending a writers’ conference can be both exhilarating and terrifying, but it’s almost always rewarding. There’s something wonderful about being in a room where everyone around you has the same passion, and no matter who you happen to sit next to, you know you have something in common. I always come away from a conference re-energized and ready to write, but I know not all writers share my enthusiasm about being around that many people.

If the idea of a large conference makes you nervous, then consider a smaller, local conference. These events can range from 20 to 250 people, with smaller workshops and a more relaxed crowd. Even better, local conferences are usually easier on the budget, but offer just as many helpful workshops and opportunities to meet agents and editors.

You’ll be able to:
  • Meet local writers and form friendships and/or critique groups
  • Interact with authors and conference faculty in a more intimate setting
  • Network with people in your area, from authors to editors to agents
  • Build confidence to attend a larger conference in the future
  • Work on your “professional author” skills in a smaller, less intimidating atmosphere
  • Attend workshops and sessions from top industry professionals
  • Get a feel for what you want from a conference in the future

Even if you enjoy large conferences (1000+ people), a smaller conference can be equally rewarding, and a nice change of pace. I find a mix of sizes provides me with the best variety of social, networking, and educational options. Sometimes I want as many workshops and I can get, other times I’d rather relax and have fun.

Finding a Local Writers’ Conference

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Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. The Benefits of a Small Writers’ Conference
  2. Things You Should Know When Writing About Guns « terribleminds: chuck wendig
  3. The German Market: A Guide for Indie Authors | Beate Boeker
  4. Editing seminar snapshots – from Writers & Artists self-publishing day | Nail Your Novel
  5. Good Writing That Doesn't Get Published: 5 Problems That Sabotage Your Efforts - Writer's Relief, Inc.
  6. Fiction University: Worldbuilding Lessons from History: Part Two
  7. Has Your eBook Been Pirated? What To Do: Step 1 | Molly Greene: Writer
  8. How To Write A Blog With Great Content Every Time
  9. Sparkling Ways to Make your Online Brand Shine
  10. Ebooks: What a Long Strange Trip by Jason Matthews — The Book Designer
  11. Facebook Theme Week: Boost Your Organic Reach with These Tips : @ProBlogger
  12. 50 Tips to Keep You Tweeting - Marketing Tips For Authors
  13. 51 Ways to Help a Book Author You Love | Book Marketing Bestsellers
  14. 11 Ways to Become a Better Writer (Without Writing) - Books & Such Literary Management
  15. Requesting Permissions + Sample Permission Letter | Jane Friedman 
  16. 9 Ways To Make Your Author Resource Box Sizzle
  17. How To Maximize Social Sharing - Heidi Cohen
  18. Who Else Wants the Audience Their Words Deserve?
  19. What are YOU writing? | Write to Done
  20. How to Create the Perfect Website: Finding Your Keywords - Marketing Tips For Authors
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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