Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Wednesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Amy Neftzger 

There’s one primary difference between a review written by the average reader and one written by a professional book reviewer: one is an opinion (often a subjective one), and the other uses external predefined standards to measure the work.

Both types of reviews are valid.

Both types of reviews are useful to readers.

Different Criteria Professional reviewers use standards, similar to the way a teacher grades a test. They’re looking at things such as plot structure and use of literary devices. Readers tend to rate books based on their experience while reading. For example, if the book was a mystery readers might base their ratings on the cleverness of the puzzle to be solved. A romance book may be valued for the intensity of the love scenes, and plot flaws may be ignored if they contribute to making those love scenes happen.

These different sets of criteria are why the two groups often disagree in their ratings of the same book. . .

Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. One Book In Which Gender Doesn't Matter - BOOK RIOT
  2. Southern Writers - Suite T: Create Interest on Your Author Website By Adding a Resume of Your Protagonist
  3. What Makes a Story’s Black Moment a Black Moment? | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
  4. Three Banquets a Day* | Confessions of a Mystery Novelist...
  5. How’s your blog doing? Top 5 things to measure and why - Elizabeth Spann Craig
  6. Living the stuff of novels: the ghostwriter’s lot | Nail Your Novel
  7. How To Write A Compelling Underdog in Your Screenplay - The Script Lab
  8. Before You Query or Submit to a New Market: 5 Ways to Vet a Publication | GrubStreet
  9. How Good is Your Story's Title? | Stavros Halvatzis Ph.D.
  10. 22 Tricks That Can Make Anyone A Keyboard Ninja
  11. 5 Tips for Editing Literary Works in Translation - Publishing Perspectives
  12. Preparing for Release Month by Kate Brauning
  13. Anne R. Allen's Blog: 25 Must-Read Tips on Plotting from Top Authors and Editors
  14. - The Battle Of The Review
  15. Mythcreants » Five Characters With Too Much Candy
  16. Curating Content for The Self-Publisher’s Ultimate Resource Guide — The Book Designer
  17. How K.M. Weiland's Workbooks Might Just Save Your Writing Life - Kelsye Nelson
  18. Top 10 Articles on Rights and Licensing of 2014 - Publishing Perspectives
  19. Don't Wait til Next Year ... Set Book and Author Goals Now! | Author U
  20. The Secret to Writing a Protagonist Who's Both Unique and Universal - Helping Writers Become Authors
  21. Author, Jody Hedlund: 6 Ways to Make Characters Stand Out in a Crowd
  22. The Series Sales Advantage - BookBub Unbound
  23. You Have a Superpower—Use It! | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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