Monday, January 5, 2015

Monday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Steff Green

Writing a book is an amazing achievement, one you should celebrate and enjoy.

Getting your book from a raw mess of words to a polished, publishable entity, complete with a kickass cover and proper formatting, is even more incredible.

The day my latest novel The Sunken went live, I did a happy dance.

(The cat, asleep in my lap at the time, did not share my enthusiasm.)

If you’re at this stage of your writing career, I salute you, and offer you a glass of wine from my own bottle.

How to Promote Your Book

I have been blogging about music since 2009, and have a small following.

Instead of starting from scratch with a new website for my fiction books, I decided to promote my writing through my blog.

In March 2014 I self-published my first novel At War With Satan to learn about the process, and check whether self-publishing would work for me.

It worked so well that I was hooked.

Next on my list was my latest novel, The Sunken, part one of a dark fantasy series set in a steampunk world where dinosaurs still survive.

That went quite well too.

Here are the 10 things I did to succeed.

. . .

Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. For the Indie Writers of Amazon, It's Publish or Perish -
  2. Developing Your Story: How to Amp Up the Tension and Drama |
  3. Track Changes - Advanced - Write Divas
  4. Writability: So You Want to Write NA Contemporary Romance?
  5. Five Incredibly Simple Ways to Help Writers Show and Not Tell - Writers Write
  6. Killing the Top Ten Sacred Cows of Indie Publishing: #7… I Have To Sell Books Quickly |
  7. 8 “Moments” You Absolutely Need to Deliver to Your Readers… And One That You Should Hope For -
  8. 10 Ways to Promote Your Book on Your Blog | Write to Done
  9. 8 Words to Seek and Destroy in Your Writing
  10. Writers On The Move: End of Year Wrap Up
  11. Imagining Your Finished Book--A Three-Part (and Very Encouraging!) Brainstorming Exercise
  12. 6 Ways to Resuscitate Your Novel - Marketing Tips For Authors
  13. If Strangers Talked to Everybody like They Talk to Writers | Electric Literature
  14. Presence on the Page: What It Is, and What It Isn’t | LitReactor
  15. 5 Ways to Create Conflict in Your Story | ScreenCraft
  16. Janet Fitch's 10 rules for writers | Jacket Copy | Los Angeles Times
  17. How to Quickly Create an EPUB File From Word | Jane Friedman
  18. The Mystery of Mysteries: 11+ Elements in a Private Investigator Mystery -
  19. Karen Woodward: Writing A Critique: Reading Critically
  20. Anne R. Allen's Blog: Why the Self-Published Ebook is No Longer the "New Query"
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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